Thursday, May 22, 2014

Healthified Summer BBQ

Now that it's warming up outside we have brushed off our dusty little grill and have once again been putting it to good use. We absolutely LOVE to grill at our house and it's pretty inevitable that the summer will be filled with BBQs with friends and family. But let's face it BBQs, while fantastic, aren't always the healthiest. Typically you'll find yourself downing burgers and/or brats and/or hot dogs with some potato salad, potato chips, maybe a teeny portion of fresh fruit and then some kind pasta salad packed with carbs and calories. 

Well no more my friends. I'm here to share my new Summer BBQ obsessions. 
 Pretty much the easiest thing ever....get some brats of your choosing, get some veggies of your choosing, slice them up, throw them on skewers and grill! We use Chilli Cheddar Brats with Red Bell Pepper, Zucchini and Onion. YUM!

1 head of Broccoli cut down to just florets, 1 container Hormel Less Fat Real Bacon Bits, 1 cup reduced fat shredded Cheddar Cheese, 1 cup reduced fat Mayonnaise, 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar, 1/2 tbsp Sugar

And, if you just absolutely can't avoid a pasta salad {let's be honest, it's my favorite part of a BBQ} make this one:
1 box Whole Wheat Penne Pasta, 50 Turkey Pepperonis, 2 small cans sliced Black Olives, 1 cup low fat shredded Parmesan Cheese, Fat Free Italian dressing to taste {I used a little less than a cup}
--it's still high in calories but is MUCH better for you nutrition wise!--

OK, so who is coming over to cook out?


  1. and now i clearly need to host a BBQ. or be invited to one at your place.

    either way.

  2. Um, ME OBVIOUSLY!!! Make me one serving of each, thanks! ;)

  3. pretty sure that pasta salad will be made this wkend. because Rae and I can't go without pasta for more than a day!

  4. MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We're having some friends over tomorrow night to grill - I'm definitely making those kabobs! YUM!

  5. Awesome are very creative. Excellent tips! Love you and miss you.

  6. Everything looks yummy! I shall stop by. xo m

  7. Oh yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipes! They would be perfect for my Monday Meals Mashup linkup!!


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