Monday, May 19, 2014

Life Lately

Hi my name is Kristin and I am the world's worst blogger. I really thought leaving my 9-5 would turn me in to some kind of super blogger and I'd have all this time to sip coffee and channel all my inner creativity but as proven by this little old blog of mine, leaving my job has done quite the opposite. It also hasn't helped that the snow is melted and back-to-back spring & summer plans have started to fill our calendar, here's what I've been up to...

My friend Kari and I joined my friend Nadine for a super fun Zumba class that benefited the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. It was my first attempt at Zumba and I absolutely LOVED it!

 We found out that one of my besties and her hubby are welcoming a baby GIRL in September!!! This exciting news also means that I have a baby shower to plan which you all know makes me as happy as a clam!

Carolyn and I have been taking kickboxing classes and are having a blast. It's an insane workout and don't be fooled by our pink boxing gloves....we are pretty bad ass. 

I got together with some of my favorite MN Bloggers {Jess, Carolyn, Katie, Kelly, Dawn & Bridget} for a wonderful yoga practice and a Zula Juice tasting with the owner Renee - if you read my post on Zula from a while back you already know I'm obsessed and I was really excited to get my girls obsessed as well!

I sent my baby sister off to prom! Kara is just finishing up her junior year of high school and it is beyond me how she is already this grown up and this beautiful. It's making me feel old. 

 I'm spending as much time as humanly possible outside with my love bug. We are READY for summer and READY for the pool to open! C'mon Mother Nature!

We celebrated my dad's birthday - complete with sister selfies, a family dance party to Whitney Houston, a group plank session and of course pies because our family can't get together without pies. 

This past Friday night our best friends Colin & Sharisse welcomed their baby boy, Wesley, in to the world and to say I was excited t meet him was a HUGE understatement. We are all so excited to have this bundle of joy here safe and sound and I am excited to watch him grow {so is Kenley}.

Also this weekend I met Dawn & Melissa for a blogger coffee date {and failed to take pictures}, I met my mom for dinner and a movie {we saw The Other Woman} and Jason and I took Kenley to a Twins game - which they won! We were shocked!

I got myself a fancy blog planner {more on that soon} and let's hope it helps get my butt in gear!


  1. zumba and i arent friends. probably because my lack of smooth moves just makes me laugh when i catch glimpses of myself in the mirror! but gimme a pair of gloves and ill kick box with ya!

  2. I love Zumba, but our local one is too mild for me. You have been busy busy! We're doing the same thing here, waiting for mother nature to give us some sun! :)

  3. Your fun meetups almost make me wish I lived in MN.

    Then I remember your winters suck and decide to stay put, haha. Hope that planner helps and you're around more!

  4. What a great couple weeks!! :) We need to plan another lake walk now that it's actually nice out!!! We should pack a picnic!!!

  5. Eek...I'm so glad to have been part of a few of these fun events. It's always so great to see you and your sweet girl!

  6. You have been a busy little bee having loads of fun! This post just serves as another reminder...I need to take more pictures!

  7. You look fabulous lady!

    That last picture of y'all is precious!

  8. Love that last cute!! :) My mom and I saw The Other Woman this weekend, too, it was so funny!!

  9. So bummed that I missed yoga! I was planning on coming and something came up and I couldn't get out of!

    Oh and I think I've met your friend Nadine before... I think we have a mutual friend. She looks so familiar!

  10. Blogging basically goes out the window for me when it warms up! And the weather this past week has been AMAZING! I guess the good thing is that Mia still naps each day so I'll have some down time to hopefully keep up with blogging!
    I'm jealous of all the blog dates you've had! So fun!

  11. Her face in that last picture! So precious :) And how are you so tan?!?! My friends and I did a week long kickboxing class over our teacher spring break and it was intense!! I haven't been that sore in awhile. Down here it's way too expensive to keep it up though, whomp whomp!

  12. i love all the play dates and outings you've been doing!

  13. A friend I work with has been convincing me lately to join a boxing class w/ her...she has some serious definition in her arms now!! :) and hey, its okay for blogging to hit the back burner for a bit! You're having a blast :)

  14. I went to Zumba once and loved it. I should go back!!

    Make sure you he's over and enter both of my giveaways to celebrate my sweet Ellie's first birthday! One is for a $20 shop credit to Sweet T Baby boutique (the cutest hair accessories for mama and mini) and the other is for a pair of freshly picked moccs!!

  15. Girl, you have been BUSY! I love Zumba and I definitely need to get back to it. It was soooo nice to finally meet you a blogger yoga! :)

  16. Don't worry, you're a better blogger than least you post ;)

    I can't believe how long her hair is getting!

  17. you sister is SO beautiful, JUST like you!!! and how are you SO tan already!!! you and me need a pool date with the littles this summer, we still have YET to have them hang!!!! ;)


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