Monday, June 9, 2014


Because I have been disgustingly absent as of late, I've decided to copy my Beeb and a bunch of other bloggers to quick fill you in on what's happening with me, currently....

...loving my Sping VoxBox from Influenster! I already love the mascara and skin firming lotion and have heard great things about the tamps - will be trying those shortly.

...wishing I would just win the dang lottery so I could buy a beautiful house and go on an incredible vacation.

...waiting for July when Jason and I are going to visit our honeymoon friends/best bud soul mates for a weekend of, given our track record, debauchery and my-abs-hurt-from-laughing-fun!

...walking AGAIN! The stupid toe is on the mend and I can finally go for a walk without crying. I might even try a run this week! Wahoo!
...planning my friend Christina's baby shower!!! You all know how I much I LOVE planning parties and I can't wait to share this one with you!

...wanting a MacBook Air. Like so bad. I'm working a couple different smaller jobs these days and it would be SO nice to have everything for work and the blog on my own personal computer that I could take with me. Desktops are for the birds I tell ya.

...eating Skinny Cow ice cream bars! I have a major sweet tooth and having one of these a day helps me keep it in check without wasting a bunch of calories. The Caramel Truffle and Cookies N Cream Truffle  are my favorites. 
...thinking this summer is already FLYING by! Our calendar is craziness this summer and is already booking up for the fall. It makes me so excited for all the fun to come!

...dreading NOTHING! I am so happy and content with life right now, I can honestly say I'm not dreading a thing. Well, except maybe paying bills, I dread that every month.

...watching The Bachelorette. I am LOVING this season, my favorite in a long time for sure. Who is your favorite?

...obsessed with books on conception, pregnancy and childbirth. This DOES NOT mean that we are trying or are anywhere ready for #2. It's simply a passion and major interest of mine and I love reading books on the subject - it's all so fascinating!

...laughing at my goofy little toddler. This girl is seriously too much.

...excited for TOMORROW!!! Me and the Beeb will be tearing it up at the Backstreet Boys concert and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to sleep tonight.


  1. BSB! No way! You girls live it up for me, please. So fun! and why isn't Bachelorette on tonight? thanks for ruining my day! kidding ;)

  2. whhaaa?? I just looked at ABC's website and it says it's on tonight....

  3. LOVE that VoxBox and those skinny cow bars! I actually haven't had that exact bar, but I've had another chocolate truffle bar and it is divine! So yummy! Though last night of course I ate some regular, not so skinny ice cream...whoops :)

  4. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE my MacBook Air - you definitely need to get one.

    And I'm kinda obsessed with the Bachelorette this season, too.

  5. Love this!! :) I have to say the BSB one is my favorite, but those Skinny Cows are pretty legit too! HAHA

  6. you NEED a macbook, I swear by mine. & I'm obsessing over the bachelorette this season too.

  7. i love the iowa farmer boy on the bach.

  8. I'm Team Brian except that they have no chemistry but I think he's a sweet boy and totally my type. I like the good guys!

  9. What a fun post! I think I might have to try one of these boxes in the mail...just gotta figure out which one!

  10. soooooooo when is #2 coming?? Maybe on your trip in July ;)

  11. So jealous of your BSB concert - have so much fun!:)

  12. I'm glad I am not the only non medical person who loves all things pregnancy and childbirth. It is just so interesting to me. I love it.


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