Friday, June 27, 2014

Lifestyle Change

If I had a dollar for every time I said "This isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change" I'd have enough money to get lipo and just be done with it already. Over the past 6 months, however, I definitely have made a change. Thanks to counting calories and adding exercise to my life I've been able to drop 20+ pounds all on my own. No programs, no gimmicks, no special pills or shakes or cleanses {though, I do love me a good Zula Juice cleanse}. Not that there's anything wrong with using programs or products to help with weight loss because I think ANYTHING that keeps you motivated and helps you achieve your goals is awesome! I just know myself too well and know that I have a hard time sticking with that stuff {and affording it} - calorie counting is literally the ONLY thing that has ever worked for me, and I have tried a lot of things. 
While using MyFitnessPal has been awesome and has got me so close to my goal, I know that I do not want to have to enter every little thing I eat in to that app for the rest of my life. I am at the point now where I want to drop these last 10 pounds and then maintain a healthy lifestyle which will keep me at that weight forever {or at least until I get pregnant again}. I want to eat healthy, I want to be healthy and I want to find a workout routine that will work for always. 

And so, I have enlisted the help of Danielle Zacheretti! My own personal health coach! This girl is AMAZING. Over the next 6 months Danielle is going to be giving me the education and support I need to not only reach my goals but to help me maintain them. She is literally teaching me how to FINALLY make that lifestyle change. We are one week in to coaching and I have already learned SO much and am really excited to share the process, the results and the information with all of you!


  1. Good for you!! Eating and living a healthy lifestyle is def a commitment...but it's a commitment that I is totally worth it :)

  2. That's awesome you found a health coach! I know the struggles you are going through all too well so I hope you are able to make those lifestyle changes. Good luck to you!

  3. Awesome - good luck to you! Entering calories into MFP gets challenging (and tiresome) after a period of time!!!!

  4. Bahha... "I'd have lipo and be done with it!" ;) I'm excited for all you are learning from your health coach and can't wait to see you keep on ROCKING it! You have come so far already!

  5. This is so awesome! :) I need that lifestyle switch too... so when you find it can you flip mine as well? HAHAHA

  6. This is so awesome! :) I need that lifestyle switch too... so when you find it can you flip mine as well? HAHAHA

  7. That's great you found a health coach I think that will make it easier and likewise I need to make it a lifestyle change myself. Good luck on this journey.

  8. So glad you and Danielle have hooked up! I'm certain you two will do awesome things!

  9. Awesome! It's hard to make big changes, but making small gradual ones is great for sticking to them! I am excited to hear about the coaching :)


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