Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Getting My Head On Straight

1. July has been nuts. 
2. I need help. 

To start let's talk about nuts-o July. It's been a whirlwind. We have been so busy and I have had so much on my plate, something had to give and unfortunately that had to be blogging. I knew it was bad when Katie texted me and asked if I was pregnant, because we all know being pregnant is the only reasonable excuse for not blogging. No, I am not pregnant. I've just been busy. And if you don't believe me, this past month I have...

...had a girls boat day, celebrated the 4th of July, took Kenley to dance class, spent a long weekend in Iowa, went to Vinny's 2nd birthday party,  modeled in a fashion show for Tzu Tzu Sport, assisted Sara Jayne Photography with a 3 month shoot, a special little monster shoot and my little sister's senior pictures (!), helped my dad with his biggest basketball tournament of the year, celebrated getting through my dad's biggest tournament of the year (a little lot too much), helped my dad's friend with his basketball camp in Texas, had a double date night, planned a baby shower, oh, and ran the coffee shop I'm working at while the manager was gone.
And now I'm just trying to recover and catch up...maybe clean my house and maybe get some sleep.

As for the "I need help" part...I need help! I am currently working 5 jobs. Yes, 5 jobs.The combination of these jobs is allowing me to have pretty much the perfect arrangement of Stay at Home Working Mom. I am working both in and out of the house. While all of these jobs are very much part-time, there's a lot on my plate and I'm at the point where I don't feel like I'm doing any of these jobs well. SO, I need to get organized. Which is where you come in. I know so many of you are working moms or stay at home moms or stay at home working moms...and even if you're not a mom...how do you do it all? How do you get yourself organized and manage your time so you can accomplish everything you need to AND still have time to blog? Because I miss blogging and never want to go 20 days without a post again! I'd really love to hear your tips and advice!!!

***and don't forget to check out yesterday's post because you could win a Febreze Noseblindness Product Pack AND a $60 AmEx gift card!!!****


  1. Glad you're back! My number one piece of advice is to find a way to organize that helps you...and number two is to carve out a little time for yourself every day - even if it's 30 minutes, and use that time to blog, read, etc. I can't believe you're working 5 jobs...that's crazy!

  2. FIVE JOBS?! How in the world, lady? I wouldn't know where to be and when! I don't really have any suggestions other than make lots of lists and put everything on the calendar. It's the only way I manage (but again I do not have 5 jobs so...shew)

  3. Just realizing now why you looked so familiar at my daughter's 3 month shoot a few weeks back with Sara (7/15) - talk about mama brain! :) I started reading your blog when I was new(ish) to Minneapolis and looking for local bloggers to follow with a similar lifestyle to my own, and found your blog, but then took an extended blog-reading break when I started a new job, got married, etc. Now that I'm back at work and forced to sit down 3x/day, I've started catching up on blogs again. When you posted today, the pieces came together again! Anyway, long comment post short, it was SO nice to meet you during her shoot - I feel bad I didn't put two and two together sooner!

  4. I just feel like making a quick list of what's most important to get done EACH DAY will really help stay organized! I totally get you on the being-insanely-busy feeling! It can get pretty overwhelming!! Good luck :)

  5. I work from home, have a daughter in similar age, am pregnant with another kiddo, and my "first" hobby is yoga. Blogging unfortunately has totally taken a backseat right now. I really like it as a hobby, but there just aren't enough hours in the day so something had to get put on the backburner. I still try to blog when I can, but I suck at it. So yeah, no advice, but I can relate :)

  6. i have two kids (almost 3 and 14 months) and blogging is hard...but to be honest, it's a priority for me because i just really, really enjoy it.
    i let other things go (household, primarily) so i can blog at night or during naps. it's my "me" thing.


  7. I've been slacking on blogging too. I think it's easier to do in the summer! Here are some of my tips (many of them i'm sure you already do): meal planning, picking out clothes/packing lunches the night before, one load of laundry each night, and most importantly - forgiving yourself for not getting everything done :)

  8. Wow, you have been up to a lot! The only tip I can give is to not let it all overwhelm you. Take time to breathe.

  9. You are in such a busy season of your life! I can't imagine how you do it all. My only advice is make lists. I love by lists!

  10. i have NO idea, and when you find out PLEASE lets hang out and you can fill me in!! ;)

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