Monday, September 29, 2014

Celebrate the Good Times

The past couple of weeks have been tough as we said goodbye to my Grandpa Dale.
This was my first real experience with loss and while it has been hard and really sad, it has also made me feel grateful for the wonderful life that I have and the wonderful family and friends I have in it.

This September has really been a month filled with celebrations. I am definitely at the age where pretty much every-single-one of my friends is getting engaged, pregnant, married or giving birth and it seems like they are all doing it back-to-back-to-back! No matter how crazy life gets or how busy we are, celebrating exciting times in my life, my family's lives and my friend's lives is what makes me absolute happiest - so missing a celebration is rare for us. 

In these past few weeks we have celebrated....

...Weston's first birthday! My Beeb hosted an adorable Monster Birthday Bash which was the most perfect way to celebrate this big milestone for this special little boy. of my high school bestie's bridal shower! I love any excuse to get together with my high school girlfriends and we had a lovely time showering Abby.

...Abby's Bachelorette Party! Our adorable little bride-to-be requested a prom themed bach party in which we all ran around downtown Minneapolis in our prom that is what we did! It was without a doubt the most fun bach party I've been to {besides my own of course}. Plus, fitting in my prom dress from 2003 was a major victory!

...Megan's Baby Shower! Another one of my high school besties is due with a baby girl in November - so naturally we had to spoil her rotten!

...Baby Lauren! One of my closest, best and most special friends gave birth to her perfect baby girl the day after that bump picture from above was taken! Little Lauren is so beautiful and snuggling with her over the past three weeks has put my baby fever in to over drive!

...Kelly + Scott's Couples Shower! Kenley and I are SO excited to be a part of my college roomie's big day in November and had a great time celebrating this awesome couple! besties engagement!!! My bestest friend got engaged the end of August and I am SO.DAMN.EXCITED! She is of course hiring my friend Sara Jayne as her photographer so naturally the three of us had to tour the venue, go to lunch, and talk about all things wedding! It was the BEST afternoon!

...a new house! This past weekend Jason helped his best friend, Colin, move in to a beautiful new home! Then, of course, we had to celebrate and break in the new digs! It was bittersweet saying goodbye to the home Colin & Sharisse had been in for 10 years that was filled with so many amazing memories and fun times, but we could not be more excited for them and can't wait to make more memories in their great new house!


  1. I hope you and Jason had the chance to give Colin and Sharisse's bathroom one last whoo rahhh before they moved?? *wink wink*

    Such a fun month of celebrations!! Congrats to all your beautiful friends!

  2. I"m sorry to hear about your grandpa...losing someone close to you is tough but like you said it makes you realize how much we have to live in the moment and love all we have.

    With that being said, you are just about the cutest thing I've ever seen...and I'm basically dying over the prom-theme bach party. Best.Idea.Ever. I always have said I wanted to just do that with a group of friends for Halloween (I actually found a way to wear my prom dress last year for Halloween as Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman - in the red opera dress, of course!) or for a bunch of us to bring out our wedding dresses and just get crazy in them. What else is it doing but taking up room in my closet anyway?!?

  3. So sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a grandparent is so hard. I lost my grandmother six years ago and I think about her everyday. Love to you!

    Wow, you've been super busy, but sounds like lots of fun! xoxo

  4. Sorry to hear about your grandfather, but what amazing other things going on for you! How fun is that prom dress party - I'd kill to wear my prom dress again, no idea if it would fit of course though!

  5. Sending hugs! We lost my husband's pa a couple months ago and it was definitely tough. Sounds like you're keeping busy though!!

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa, I dealt with my first loss in my family back in April when my grandpa passed and it was pretty tough. But focusing on all the other happies in my life like you seem to be, really made all the difference!!!! And by the way, that royal blue is your COLOR!!!!! ;)

  7. So sorry about your Grandpa. I'm amazed you have had so many years free of losing any close loved ones! That's impressive. It really does make you appreciate the good times!

  8. Sorry for your loss - at least you have beautiful pictures of him and plenty of memories to hold onto for years to come !!

  9. Sorry for your loss Beeb! *hugs* Looks like you've had some fun stuff this month though! :) That monster is awfully cute!


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