Monday, November 24, 2014

Kenley's 2nd Birthday!

On November 15th my Kenley turned TWO! She had the honor of being a flower girl in my girlfriend's wedding ON her birthday, so we celebrated with a party the weekend before. BUT, we also had a wedding that weekend. I wanted to be sure to do something special for my little two-year-old despite our super busy fall but knew I would not have the time to put together something for her on my own. And so, I enlisted the help of The Little Gym and omigosh I am so happy I did. 
The Little Gym has a wonderful party package that includes EVERYTHING from invites to decor, but you guys know me well enough to know that I couldn't possibly hand over ALL the details of my baby's party to someone else. I found this ADORABLE panda themed party decor on Party Pail and knew I just HAD to have it for Kenley's party. Party Pail has a TON of super adorable party supplies for an incredible price and they make it super easy to coordinate your party decor by theme or color. I ordered cups, dessert plates, napkins, silverware, a table cover, goodie bags, bubbles & little panda blowers from Party Pail and was so happy with all of it! 
I was so in love with the panda decor, I just had to have matching invites...which is where my buddy Erin comes in. This girl is so amazing. I literally just sent her the wording I wanted and a link to the decor on Party Pail and she put together the most perfect invitation for Kenley.
I did, also, end up bringing some snacks and a special cake but other than that....The Little Gym did it all. We invited Kenley's 12 best friends and the super sweet and patient teachers we had did a great job of leading the kiddos in some fun! I told them I had pretty low expectations since our guest list's ages ranged from 2 months to 7 years, but that didn't slow them down a bit. The kids sang songs, had fun with a parachute, played basketball and {the highlight for Kenley} popped bubbles! It was the perfect mix of fun and chaos and I could have watched my baby and her friends play all day long.
Our cute little teachers tried their hardest to orchestrate a "team picture", bless their hearts, and this is the best we could do....
While it's far from perfect, we were almost able to get all 13 kids in attendance in this photo {baby Aleah is covered up by Big Sister Josie}...yes it's total chaos, but I love it so much!

After and hour of fun in the gym it was time for snacks & cake! I kept it simple with some healthy post-play snacks for the kiddos along with a delicious red velvet cake compliments of Target.
This party was so much fun and the most perfect way to celebrate our little girl. She is so lucky to have such awesome friends at such a young age and I am so excited to watch all these sweet kiddos grow over the years. And, a major thank you to Erin, Party Pail and The Little Gym for allowing me throw a party Kenley deserves without driving myself completely crazy over all the details {we'll save that for the 3rd b-day}.


  1. Oh my gosh- Kenley suddenly looks SO grown up in all these pictures!! You have one sweet lil girl there. I'm LOVING the 'group' photo too- haha!!

  2. My son turns 2 in June and I'm due with baby number 2 in April, so I've been thinking ahead about his birthday since I will have a new baby. I've thought about the little gym but wasn't sure if he would be too small still. Thanks for the great info!

  3. Awwww, happy 2 years Kk! She is so cute and big!

  4. thats so fun you were able to squeeze in a special party for her and her friends, it looked like a blast! love the cute panda EVERYTHING too.

  5. so cute! I love the pic of all the hilarious! And imagine that, Weston has a ball ;) haha.

  6. Such a fun birthday! That group picture cracks me up... Weston's face!!!!!!!!!

    Can you email me some of these for my yearbook? HAHAHA Thanks. :)

  7. TOO CUTE!! The kids look like they're having a blast!!

  8. my gym birthday parties are THE BEST!! i love it and happy birthday sweet kenley!!!

  9. my gym birthday parties are THE BEST!! i love it and happy birthday sweet kenley!!!

  10. This looks so fun! I wish Ford could have come... I am thinking about starting him in Little Gym classes in the spring but want to try it out first :)

  11. looks like tons of fun ! happy bday to your little one ! love the panda theme throughout !

  12. what a fantastic birthday party for the cutest little gal!! Seriously she is a DOLL! And how great that they did it all for you...helps when someone has 283 jobs like you! =)

    PS I think I spy a crazy haired little guy too. =)

  13. I love the Panda how cute!! What an awesome idea to go through the little gym! Gonna have to remember that!

  14. Oh. My. Goodness. She's seriously getting cuter and cuter...and she looks so BIG! What a fun party!


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