Wednesday, December 17, 2014

31 things for my 31st year.

I ended my 30th year on the planet with a BANG and want to keep that excitement and momentum going throughout my 31st year. I've decided to put together a little bucket list of 31 goals and ideas I'd like to see through during my 31st year - some big and some small. Basically, consider this a jump start on my 2015 resolutions!

  1. Go on a tropical vacation.
  2. Bring Kenley to the zoo.
  3. Stand with my best friend on her wedding day. 
  4. Walk {or run?} the 3 lake loop {Calhoun, Isles & Harriet for you locals}.
  5. Donate hair to Locks of Love.
  6. Clock 350 running miles.
  7. Read 15 books.
  8. Grow blog to 1,000 followers. 
  9. Meet Erin. 
  10. Read Dave Ramsey's book and follow his get out of debt plan.
  11. Anonymously pay for a stranger's coffee. 
  12. Design & print our Family Yearbooks.
  13. Spend a day in Stillwater. 
  14. Visit my family in Colorado. 
  15. Call my grandparents once a week. 
  16. Host a dinner party. 
  17. Attend a yoga workshop.
  18. Go on a super fun date with my hubby.
  19. Try a new Minneapolis restaurant.
  20. Do something spontaneous.
  21. Treat our parents to dinner.
  22. Start saving for a house.
  23. Go to a Gopher away game.
  24. Do something extra fun with my girlfriends. 
  25. Go on a Mother/Daughter date with Kenley.
  26. Give up something really hard for lent.
  27. Go for a run in Central Park.
  28. Make a Big Fat Greek dinner on my own.
  29. Climb a mountain. 
  30. Run a half marathon.
  31. Maybe, just maybe, starting thinking about Baby #2.

I'll keep you posted throughout the year on how I'm doing, but for now, I'd better get to work! 


  1. This is AWESOME!!! My #10 only because I am OBSESSED with Mr. Ramsey :) I am so going to make a list like this for my New Year goals!!! Thanks for the fabulous idea!

  2. Awesome list....especially that last one ;)

  3. I'm obviously the erin in this list. So I fully concur. ;)

  4. Can you treat ME and Cam to dinner? ;) haha! Love ya! Glad you had a good birthday!!!!!

  5. I LOVE your list and know you will knock these all out in no time-- pleas work on #9 ASAP though okay?! :)

  6. #31 is my favorite!! You make really cute babies-- you should do it again! :)

  7. eek! What a fun list! You've got a LOT of awesome stuff on it but I'm super excited for your #9 and 10!

  8. I'll accompany you for 9, 13 and 24!! ;)


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