Thursday, December 11, 2014

dream office

I'm not entirely sure what I would say my current job title is {maybe "career gypsy"?}, but I do know that I absolutely love what I am doing - which these days is a little bit of everything. I have always had a lot of interests and passions and the fact that I am making money in a variety of ways doing a variety of things is really what I love to do. I am just not cut out for the 9-5 desk job. 

My array of jobs has me working primarily from home which I also love. Although, sometimes it can feel a bit suffocating having every aspect of your life {work, home, family, dog} surrounding you 24 hours a day, which is why I am finding myself drifting off in to home office day dream land quite frequently these days. We absolutely do not have room in our townhouse for me to have an office but I am hoping some day in the not-so-distant future we will buy a home that has an extra room or even an extra nook so that I can have a cute little space all my own. 

And until that day comes, I will continue to spend time in home office day dream land, also known as Pinterest. Please join me in combining all of these fantastic elements in to one perfect Kristin the Career Gypsy office space.
And yes, my office {someday} will absolutely have some sort of nod to Leo, Britney, Beyonce and most likely the Backstreet Boys too. #notsorry


  1. You are not only creative but hilarious. I love that picture of Leo! I hope you get your dream office. xo m

  2. Kristen the career gypsy haha.. I have always wanted a fun little space to my own also.. but I know I'd never stay in one room lol. Love all the ideas!

  3. Haha- YES to Leo, lol!! I wish I had a dreamy office too- not one that also serves as the catch-all to our house ;)

  4. I NEEEEEED that Britney print. Let's figure out a two for 1 OR how to make it, ASAP!!!! And also.... never be sorry for that of which inspires us!

  5. Caleb is day dreaming about buying a house and I can't say I blame him, the main reason I want one (besides more privacy from neighbors) is to have a dreamy office!!!!!!! Love the Leo print ;)


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