Monday, December 1, 2014

Holiday Bucket List {2014}

Holy Moly! It's the first day of DECEMBER! What in the......? While I am not a fan of winter {like at all}, I do love December! I mean who doesn't love the holiday season? And New Years Eve?'s my birth month, which basically means the b-day celebrations start today! Now that I have a little and my little is a full blown kid, this time of year is even more exciting than it's ever been! It's so magical seeing the holidays through your child's eyes and it makes me want to pack the next few weeks full of holiday fun and traditions! And so, I made myself a little holiday bucket list to try and make the absolute most out of the wonderful time of year. 

What's on your holiday bucket list this year?


  1. Yeeesssss....Kenley will LOVE Elf on the Shelf. :) Scroll through my IG feed for some fun ideas from last year...and I'll be posting this year's, too.
    This is a great holiday bucket list:)

  2. So fun! We do a little advent Christmas list, too. Can't wait to see all your fun elf on the shelf ideas!!

  3. Advent calendars are my favorite things. I just filled ours up with little Christmas activities to do every night and can't wait to get started tonight!

  4. We have a similar list! While our dog is allergic to real trees we are still planning a trip to a tree farm. Check out my advent calendar! It's a couple of posts back - so easy and super cute!!


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