Thursday, January 15, 2015

Half Marathon Training Plan

Today is a big day - today I officially start training for my half marathon. Being that I am still very much a novice runner, I wanted to give myself plenty of time to work up to running 13.1 miles.
Will it EVER stop scaring me to say that? 

I had started the Couch to 10k program during the fall {the Couch to 5k program is what helped me to not completely hate running}, so I figured finishing up where I left off on that plan would be a good way to first build up my distance and kick off the training. I researched a lot of different plans and after talking to my running coach aka brother, landed on Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Training program. I'm committing myself to a minimum of 3 runs a week then adding one day of cross-training {most likely yoga or some kind of fitness class or weights at home}, one day will be intense stretching, a light walk and strength training and the other 2 days will be for much needed rest. With some extra planning, I was able to work in some fun runs {can runs be fun?} while on vacations I have planned AND Goldy's Run which Jason and I have done with my brother and sister-in-law the past two years. 

Obviously, I had to make my training plan cute because let's face it, if it's not cute, I'm not going to do it and therefore no matter how boring you thinking this is, just had to share it! 

If you need to find me in the next 20 weeks, this is what I'll be doing.....


  1. You are going to surprise yourself, I just know it! Never in my life did I think I could run/do what I did- but somehow I managed! I really like Hal Higdon's plans and I think the cross-training and stretching are huge parts of why you will SUCCEED!! :)

  2. I like your way of thinking girl! Haha!! Seeing it laid out like this (in the very cute plan), makes it almost seem doable (to this turtle anyway)! And, how exciting you'll be doing a 10k in Central Park!?!?!

  3. A very cute plan and you definitely need the Wine running shirt. So proud of you! I look to my short run with you in Central Park.
    xo m

  4. A run in central park!? I'd pretend I can run to do something like that! ;)

  5. Yay! This plan looks awesome, plus your long run in NYC will be perfect! I just finished my 4th half marathon this weekend. You'll be hooked before you know it. Good luck! -- Kendra


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