Monday, January 26, 2015

The First Injury

Last Thursday night was an eventful one at our house! Jason slipped on our second to last stair while holding Kenley. It was terrifying because of the giant boom his booty made while hitting the ground but other than that all was fine. However, Kenley would not stop crying. We knew she was scared and so we consoled her and made sure she knew all was good. But then we noticed a giant welt on her left foot. Her foot was swollen and black and blue immediately. We put some ice on it but it looked bad enough that we felt someone should take a look at it just to be safe.
I called our pediatrician who said "It sounds like it's fractured so you should go straight to an orthopedic specialist." In an attempt to not completely lose it, I called the orthopedic office who thankfully had a walk in clinic. After waiting for nearly two hours, Kenley was finally seen and it was determined she definitely needed X-Rays. This was the worst part for mama because Kenley was so scared. She screamed bloody murder but had to sit still. We were both trying to be brave and with the help of the nicest nurses ever we were able to get the pictures of her little feet that we needed.
Thank God, her tiny foot wasn't fractured. What a relief!!! The doctor decided a splint would be a good idea to protect her foot and help it heal. Because it was so swollen and bruised and she wasn't able to walk on it at the time, it seemed like the right choice. Turns out putting a splint on a two year old ends up looking like she had some sort of major leg surgery.
It was a little dramatic for the severity of the injury, but better safe than sorry!  I am so thankful that she is fine and it wasn't anything serious, but it was definitely a wake up call that I am not going to be able to protect her and keep her safe from all harm forever especially since her daddy's side of the family is notorious for injuries. It might be time to start wrapping her head to toe in bubble wrap every day.


  1. Oh no! Glad she is ok. That cast is too cute.

  2. Oh my gosh! That splint does look scary, but so glad she didn't get a fracture or anything too serious. Poor baby! Definitely not looking forward to the impending days of injuries ahead of us with a boy in the house - my husband has told me to be prepared for broken bones and stitches and I can't even handle the thought of it!!!

  3. Oh gosh, thank goodness she's okay!

  4. Awww, poor KK!!!! Glad she's alright!

  5. Cutest post-injury photo ever!!! I'm so glad nothing was broken and that you all survived a scary night!!!

  6. Oh, Kristin - I can sympathize with the scariness of this situation, having had a child who's broken her arm TWICE!! I'm so glad Kenley is ok and all is well. That big smile on her face had to have made you feel a little better. ;)

  7. Poor baby! Glad she is ok, but I can also sympathize with daddy. I slipped down like 7 steps in the middle of the night on Friday and my tailbone still hurts! Is that plasterer wrapped?

  8. So glad she is ok!!! So scary...I fear for this day! Let's just say she looks like the cutest lil' girl thought and looks so proud sitting in the doctor office!!!

  9. Poor little k! And that splint looks GIANT on her. I hope her foot feels better ASAP. Seriously so scary!

  10. oh no ! wishing her a smooth recovery !

  11. What a brave little Mou! So very thankful Kenny did not have a fracture. Never easy on the mama. xo m

  12. Oh, poor baby! And parents! How scary for all of you! I have been out of the blogging world FORever and I come back to see that sweet Kenley was hurt! :( Hope she's feeling better now!

  13. Glad she's okay (and Jason, too) and it was nothing more severe! Their little bones are so fragile at that youngest niece got a spiral fracture in her leg just a few weeks before turning two...FROM DANCING and falling down wrong! We didn't even know anything was wrong until she refused to walk on it the next morning, as she didn't cry or fuss about it after it happened! My sister-in-law (her momma) and I felt so bad...we had no idea, but the doctor said that type of injury is very common at that age.

    She's such a cutie, even with her booboo! LOL about the bubble wrap!!

  14. awe poor thing!!!!! black and blue anything on our little bebes is NOT fun! glad it wasn't anything serious.


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