Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Great De-Clutter Challenge

I have but one goal for February - DECLUTTER, DECLUTTER, DECLUTTER! Do you ever feel like the your walls are closing in on you? Well, that's how I feel right now. We seem to accumulate so much stuff throughout the year that I really need to start doing a major de-clutter at least once a year. Our townhouse has plenty of space for the three of us, but with STUFF just busting out of every closet and drawer it feels like there's no room to breathe. Alas, I have made a list of EVERYTHING that needs to be cleaned out and organized and am giving myself until the end of February to do it. Turns out I have 28 things to organize and 28 days in February - of course it's already the third and I am behind before I've even started. So I guess, wish me luck?

Also, if you have any ideas or suggestions for both digital and printed photo organization - I am at a loss in this area and need to figure something out!


  1. Photos are seriously THE hardest thing to organize. As I'm working on my photo books, I'm trying to chip away at the digital files little by little too. Deleting ones I don't need (duplicates, totally blurry, 7 pictures of a cake ;)) So I think it's one of those projects that just HAS to be done in small increments. Hopefully when I get caught up on photo books I'll have a much more manageable number of photos- and I organize them in yearly folders - to burn on an external hard drive or CD.

  2. I need to declutter too!!! Soo many things need homes!!

  3. Ah!! I am feeling so cluttered right now (obviously, we just moved!) so I throw away more boxes than I actually unpack, ha ha! So my goal for the month is to be completely unpacked with pictures hung and make the home "ours" Hopefully a lot of decluttering comes with that!

  4. A lofty goal for sure. Kids equals stuff. I have a similar goal come June. Empty out our storage unit.
    I will be calling you to come get your Beanie Babies! :) xo m

  5. I need to do this before our big move. But I am on a mission to downsize downsize downsize!


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