Monday, September 21, 2015

Feels Like Fall

Wednesday is the legit first day of Fall, but it's definitely felt pretty dang autumn-ish around here for a while. The temps have dropped, football is in full swing and the trees are starting to turn. Yesterday we spent the day with Jason parents and Aunt and Uncle, in town from North Carolina, at a Fall Festival. Kenley was loving life! She got her face painted, got to play on a playground and go to the world's most random petting zoo {goats, ponies, kangaroos and a zebra....what?} And me, I was happy as a clam making my way through a giant corn maze with my Totchos and Hot Apple Cider {can a get a heck yea for hot apple cider? LOVE IT.}


  1. Totchos??? Um...can we say YUM!! Those looks delicious! Looks like a super fun weekend. And YES to the hot apple cider!

  2. Looks like a fun fall adventure. You should link it up with us on Weds!

    Hope you are doing well friend, glad you are back to blogging, I've missed you!

  3. Oh my gosh- SO cute! Kenley checkin' out her face painting in the mirror hehe- and I love her outfit too, I need that in my size. I am excited about some fall fun very soon!

  4. That petting zoo is way better than the ones I used to visit as a child lol! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. Looks like a really fun day. Mou reminds me of you with the face painting. Adorable pictures! xo m

  6. Such a great way to kick off the new season! I seriously can't wait for some hot apple cider! Thanks for linking up with us today!! :)


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