Thursday, September 24, 2015


Kenley has been in school for two weeks now and it could not be going any better! She is in a class of 15 2.5 - 3 year olds twice a week and loves it so much. She has two super sweet teachers, Miss Lynn & Miss Nicole and looks forward to going every day. 
She proudly marches in with her Peppa Pig backpack that never has anything in it. She hangs it in her little cubby and off she goes. She has no issues with us leaving her and is clearly comfortable and secure there. 
I am actually wishing we would have signed her up for three days a week. It's so good for her and she loves it so much. Plus, Jason and I love hearing her recaps of the day and all the stories about the other kids. I'm dying to pick her up this afternoon because today was "Yellow Day" and yellow is Kenley's favorite color so naturally she thinks everyone is wearing yellow solely because it's her favorite color. 
I don't know what it is about that school that makes her seem so grown up but it definitely hurts my heart a little. I couldn't be happier that she loves it so much and know it's so good for her, but I miss my squishy little baby. Why must they grow so dang fast?


  1. She looks so tiny with that backpack! :)
    So glad that she is loving school!!

  2. So wonderful she is loving school! I love her checking herself and her backpack out in the mirror. You go cute girl!

  3. Oh my gosh, her and her backpack are just too much to handle!!! I'm so glad she loves it so much- can't wait to hear about her yellow day was hehe ;)

  4. Aww! She is adorable. My little girl will be ready for some preschool next fall and I'm kind of dreading it! I don't know why time seems to be going so much faster as a parent!

  5. So glad she is doing so well! That is hilarious that she thinks everyone is wearing yellow because it's her favorite color! Too funny.

  6. look at her in schooool! i love the picture of her looking in the mirror at her peppa bag!


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