Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Kenley's 3 Year Photos

As always, we got together with my bud Sara Jayne to take some photos of Kenley to document our sweet girl at THREE. I feel like I say this every time Sara takes new photos of Kenley, but these are my favorites! For days I couldn't look at them without tearing up. I don't know where my baby went but am certain now that time is a thief. These photos portray my daughter perfectly. They show how silly she is, how sweet she is and how beautiful she is. They are simply KENLEY. 


  1. Your sneak peeks last week were fabulous and oh my word the rest are amazing. She is such a big girl now, seriously, so beautiful and what a winning smile!!!! happy 3rd KK!

  2. These are absolutely adorable! I love the background, too. She looks so happy--what great photos to have to remember her at this age!

  3. I am SO jealous of here hair! What a cutie!

  4. You have THE most beautiful child I've ever seen! Love all these pictures- I hope you printed every single one!!! :)

  5. She is BEAUTIFUL!!! Her hair! Her smile! SUUUCH A SWEETIE! I can't handle it!

  6. They turned out great!! She is soo photogenic!!! A real beauty!

  7. Omg she is so cute. I have total hair jealousy too!!

  8. She is gorgeous! Great pictures. That. Hair!

  9. She is gorgeous! Great pictures. That. Hair!


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