Monday, December 21, 2015

{bump two} 20 & 21 weeks

 Mom :: +17lbs // Baby :: appx. 10.5in & .75lb {a banana!}
Baby's eyebrows and eyelids are developed!
133 days til Due Date!

Woooooaaaaaah, we're {over} halfway there!!! It's hard to believe this pregnancy is half over already! I took a little inadvertent blog break last week because frankly the past two weeks of this pregnancy have been rough. All through week 20 I was so excited to find out the gender and for my birthday but I felt like crap - I was pretty sure I'd picked up a bug causing me to have no energy and just feel overall icky. Friday, December 11th was, however, one of the best days of my life when I got an early birthday gift and learned my baby is a little BOY! 
Our little man cooperated and within minutes of the ultrasound starting we were told "It's a Boy!" I cried immediately and didn't stop. I just could not believe it and was so happy and excited! We left our appointment slightly deflated, however, because we were told that they found fluid around baby's heart. Apparently anything above 2mm is considered abnormal and Ziggy's was measuring at 1.8mm. While the doctor wasn't overly concerned she did instruct me to make an appointment and Maternal Fetal Medicine for an in depth ultrasound. We said our prayers and tried not to worry until we had to but it was definitely a scary and concerning thing to hear.

Saturday {the 12th} was my birthday and thanks to my amazing husband, I was able to enjoy it so much. The day started with breakfast at People's Organic followed by an entire day at the spa. I got the full treatment - massage, facial, manicure, blow out and even lunch in the spa! In between appointments I got to sip tea and lounge by a fire and it was seriously the best way to spend my birthday.

 That night, after returning from the spa, I started having terrible cramps really low in my belly. I also felt super nauseous, lightheaded and was only comfortable curled up on the bathroom floor. We debated cancelling my birthday dinner, but after about an hour, tons of water and some walking around I started to feel better. Not great but better. So we headed out to dinner with my parents and a couple of best buds for my birthday.
Sunday, I was feeling better but still so unbelievably tired. Then on Monday {the 14th} the same thing happened again. This time I knew that it was not normal and I needed to call the doctor. They instructed me to come in immediately to ensure I wasn't in preterm labor. If you want a sure fire way to upset a pregnant woman, tell her there's a chance she's in labor at 20 weeks pregnant. After 2 hours at the doctor, it was confirmed that the baby and the pregnancy were safe and healthy. It was bittersweet because of course the most important thing is the health of the baby but I was hoping they would maybe be able to pinpoint why this was happening to me. I was instructed to rest and contact my family doctor if the symptoms persisted. As scary as it was, it's always reassuring and amazing to see my baby {boy!} during an ultrasound.
After that appointment, I did my best to rest as much as possible which as we all know too well is really tough this time of year! I was preparing for the arrival of my sister-in-law, prep for our gender reveal party and of course getting ready for Christmas. But, I also knew my health and the health of the baby were most important so I took it easy and accepted as much help as I could get.

This past Thursday {the 17th}, we had our ultrasound with Maternal Fetal Medicine. It was definitely unsettling going in. The ultrasound equipment was so high tech, which was really cool but also unnerving because it seemed to magnify the situation. After about an hour long ultrasound and meeting with a perinatologist we were told that our Ziggy is perfect in every way. The fluid around the heart was within a healthy range and the perinatologist didn't see any reason for concern or follow up. They measured the fluid at 1.2mm so it seems as though the issue is already dissipating. I cannot tell you the relief I felt!
After 3 appointments in 6 days, feeling like crap most of the week, and managing to do just the bare minimum it was time to celebrate our baby boy and share the gender with our parents, siblings and very best friends {oh, and the world}. The party was so much fun. It was definitely a more low key "Kristin Party" but it was the people there that made this one so incredible. Kenley had a blast decorating sugar cookies, my friend Natalie made me an adorable santa cake and my girls at The Corner Balloon Shoppe once again knocked it out of the park with a giant baby boy present for the big sister to open!

Also a major highlight was Kenley getting in some big sister practice when she asked Carolyn if she could hold baby Tyler. Talk about heart explosion!!!! I just cannot wait!

The past two weeks were filled with some definite highs and some definite lows, but overall, I just couldn't be happier. I am in total disbelief that I am GOING TO HAVE A SON! I cannot wait to meet this little boy and hold him for the first time! No matter how crappy I feel, and what the cause of it is {beginning to think it's just my fate this pregnancy} it's all going to be worth it when I see that little boy's face for the first time.

20 weeks & 21 weeks with Kenley


  1. WEEEEE! My guess was right, woohoo! CHEEEERS to a beautiful baby boy! Love the ornament, friend!

  2. I'm so very excited that you have a healthy and happy baby boy in there! I can't wait to snuggle him!!!

  3. Whew! Talk about a whirlwind! So glad your little man is doing okay. I know how stressful it is to hear those words and have to go for extra monitoring (something similar happened with my first). You totally popped in a week, too!

  4. Congrats on finding out you're having a boy! Your birthday sounds like it was wonderful too.

    Side note: You look a little bit like Anna Kendrick.

  5. Ahh I am so happy everything is okay! What a scary way to spend your birthday! That little boy is already giving you a run for your money =0) Happy belated and congrats!!!

  6. That's so scary for any mama! I'm sorry you had to go through that, but happy that the results turned out normal! yay! I am so excited for you to have a boy!!!! eeek!

  7. OMG!!!!! SOOOOOO happy for you! A little BOY!!!! And so thankful everything is healthy. Hoping you are feeling like yourself again! Yay for being a GIRL and a BOY mama!!!! xxxxx

  8. Even though I guessed wrong - I'm SO excited for you!!!!! :) hehe! CONGRATS, for the hundredth time!!

  9. SO much to love in this post! I'm so thankful for you and Ziggy's health- I hate that you had such a scary few days/weeks! Also, you deserved that spa day more than anyone I know-- GO JASON!!! ;) The gender reveal pictures make me so happy- cannot wait to "meet" that little guy!

  10. Kenley is so cute! She will be an awesome big sister!!

  11. Kenley is too dang cute! I love the photo of her holding Tyler its adorable! Congrats on finding out that the sweet new little one will be a sweet baby boy :)

  12. so glad your appt ended with GOOD news and you have NOTHING to worry about! i am getting so excited for you and this bebe bbooyyyyyy!


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