Friday, January 29, 2016

Baby To Do {3 months to go}

THREE MONTHS TO GO? Excuse me? My due date is 3 months from today. That's only 13 more weeks of pregnancy {give or take}. Cue excited panic! After the very busy and exhausting month of December, I kind of deemed January as Baby Prep Month. I've been nesting like crazy and have baby on the brain BIG TIME. Aside from our vacation to Colorado {which we are currently on}, we have had a pretty low key month so it was the perfect opportunity to really focus on this to do list and get things CHECKED OFF!

  24 week prenatal visit & glucose screen - I had my appointment on January 11th and was happy to pass the glucose test and hear a healthy little heartbeat. 

  Start tracking baby's movement - this little man is an active one! I use a baby kick app to track his movements once a day and so far he's hitting that 10 movement mark within minutes on a consistent basis.

  Work out the details of maternity leave - My last day at the coffee shop where I work once a week will be on April 1st {sad face} and I will not be returning after baby, it'll just be too tough. As far as Tzu Tzu Sport goes, we have an awesome team of chicas who can easily do the things I do while I'm having this baby. Our office is so close and I can bring Ziggy, as well as do some things from home. So I don't really have a set timeline for a "leave", I'll just do my best to find a new rhythm after baby is here. 

  Pre-register at the hospital - We are all signed up so they are ready for us whenever Ziggy is ready. I also signed up to take another tour of the Birthplace at the hospital. I know I was there with Kenley and everything was great but hospitals really freak me out and I feel like seeing it again and being there again will help ease my mind. I mean, it's been 3.5 years and I'm pretty sure I was blacked out for most of that hospital stay. 

 Study up on circumcision (if necessary) - This will be necessary and has been read up on. I know for sure it's something we want to do and something we will do right away {tear! poor baby!} and after talking to insurance, sounds like will be something that is mostly covered. 
  Get hospital & coming home outfits for baby - I bought a couple of super cute and comfy jammie outfits from Baby Gap for the hospital. April/May in Minnesota is tricky because we could have 5 feet or snow or it could be 75 degrees, so I figured it'd be best to have a couple options to dress for the weather. I also ordered a custom name hat and swaddle from Boco Baby which arrived and are so much cuter than I could have ever imagined!!!!! 
productImage productImage 

  Make a "Labor Day" plan for Kenley - As I mentioned, this is one of those things that has been keeping me up at night. Not because we don't have wonderful family and friends who are willing to help but because there is just no way of knowing when or how labor will start and happen. I want to labor at home for as long as I am able and want Kenley to head out as soon as things get started. She is so excited about her baby brother and I want to keep this experience as fun and stress-free as possible for her. Depending on little man's timing, she will go to my dad's or Jason's dad's house with two of my besties on standby if we need any help logistically along the way. Whew, it's a relief to at least feel like there's some kind of plan. 

◊  Start pregnancy safe workout routine - I got on a workout roll after the new year and got in some kind of workout for 11 straight days, then got sick and it all fell apart. I'm anxious to get back in a groove after our trip.

  Reach goal of walking/running/biking 400 miles - It's likely this goal will not be far I'm at 91.46 miles. {308.54 left to go, yikes!}

  Talk to Sara Jayne about maternity, hospital & newborn shoots - We have our maternity session booked for early March and I'm so excited! The hospital and newborn shoots we'll have to nail down once little man is here {or close} but I am starting to browse some ideas and inspiration!
  Find Sprinkle outfits - The 4 dresses I mentioned in my last baby to do post from asos were all terrible. I was so bummed. They were either way to big, way too long or way not flattering. So I sent all of them back and started from square one. Thanks to some awesome sales on Pink Blush & Motherhood recently, I was able to order a few others to try.

  Hostess gifts for Sprinkle hosts - I know what I am getting for the incredible ladies hosting my Sprinkles and have one of the items purchased! I'm really excited about these gifts and will have to remember to share after they receive them.

◊  Put together a Big Sister gift for Kenley - I know all the things I want to include in her gift, now I just need to start collecting them {without her knowing}.

  Find outfits and plan details for maternity shoot - We have our date and location set for the photos, now I just need to figure out what we are all going to wear. I have an idea of the look and feel I'm going for, so it's just a matter of picking the ensembles.

  Make hospital packing list and pick up anything we need - I have the list all put together so it'll be easy to pack everything up once we get closer to D Day.

  Work on the nursery - The big stuff is DONE! Now it's just a matter of organizing and decorating!

  Attend a TC Bump Club Workout - Still haven't made it to one of these. Hopefully soon!!!
  Create financial plan & beef up savings - This should be super high on the priority list, but still just hasn't happened.  

 Schedule some prenatal yoga classes - Yoga is so good for the body and mind and I need to get some classes in ASAP!

  Figure out Child Care - This stresses me out big time. I am lucky to have a flexible work schedule and an office where I can bring my kiddos. However, working with TWO kids will no doubt be very different than working with one. Jason and I need to take some time to figure out what life with two will look like and how we will manage our day-to-day, especially now that he has a new position and since Kenley will be done with school 1-2 weeks after Zigster arrives. 

{weeks 24-28}
  Attend TC Bump Club Workout
  Develop birth plan 

{weeks 28-32}
  Attend TC Bump Club Workout
  28 week prenatal visit
  Go on babymoon!
  30 week prenatal visit
  Schedule professional house cleaning
  Work on nursery

{weeks 32-36}
  Attend TC Bump Club Workout
  32 week prenatal visit
  Take maternity photos
  Celebrate baby at Sprinkle!
  Send Sprinkle thank you notes
  Finalize outfits & ideas for newborn shoot
  34 week prenatal appointment
  Unpack and wash baby gear, pump and bottles
  Finish nursery
  Pack for the hospital
  Pack Kenley's bag
  Build phone tree for baby announcement

weeks {36 -BABY!}
  36 week prenatal visit & group B stress test
  Design birth announcements and address/stamp envelopes
  Baby laundry
  Buy any remaining baby items
  Install car seat
  37 week prenatal visit
  Make freezer meals
  Rest & Relax!
  38 week prenatal visit
  39 week prenatal visit


  1. You've gotten a lot done, lady, keep up the good work. Everything will fall into place :)!

  2. Girl! You are much more organized than I am! I'm looking all over this for some reference on what needs to be done :)! Xx

  3. Can you come organize my life? Thanks ;)

  4. Girl you are ON it!!!!! Seriously, you are rockin this whole pregnancy. Everything will fall into place :)

  5. our plan for avrie on d-day was SO NOT how i planned it but let me tell you... i was SURE she was going to be scarred for LIFE... like forEVER BUT she didn't hold it against any one of us, not even for a minute. Kenley will be SO happy to have baby here no matter in what way he comes into this world- kids are so great like that! so I wouldn't worry too much about it. I comment on this b/c this was also my BIGGEST worry about Avrie and if I had to go back I would tell myself to not spend a second missing sleep about it.


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