Monday, January 18, 2016

{bump two} 25 weeks

 Mom :: +20lbs // Baby :: appx. 13.5inches & 1.5lb {an rutabaga!}
Baby is adding some fat and is getting less wrinkly as a result!
105 days til Due Date!

If you can't tell from that horrendous photo, the past week has been all about getting sick and staying sick and griping about how cold Minnesota is. I have also become crazily obsessed with labor and delivery once again. You'd think after being through it, my mind would settle a bit, but it just hasn't. Anyways, because my head is plugged and filled with thoughts of childbirth, I'm going to use that bumpdate blogger survey for today's update.

Size of the baby?  
It's crazy to me that Ziggy is now OVER a foot long and weighs OVER a pound. I know that is still itty bitty, but considering it feels like just yesterday this little boy was the size of a poppyseed, it's nuts. 

Total Weight Gain/Loss?  
Up 20lbs from the start. Bah.

Maternity Clothes?  
Still rocking the maternity jeans, although Jason's comfy t-shirts and sweatpants have been the wardrobe over the past week. I also ordered a bunch of stuff from Pink Blush this week, I'm excited to get it and see if it works! 

Stretch marks?  
Nope. None to be found so far! Hallelujah

Best Moments?  
Getting our crib!!! We  hadspent the day up at the ranch with my in-laws and my FIL and I worked on a couple of nursery projects and while we were there were talking about how I couldn't hang any of the projects until I got furniture {ahem, a crib} and then when we pulled up to our house that night there was a crib by the garage door!!! It was totally random and so exciting and awesome! Thanks Mom & Steve! We have yet to set it up as I've been working on finishing the boring stuff that has to be done to the nursery before the fun stuff can start, but soon! 

I have started to track baby's movement over the past week and so far Ziggy is passing with flying colors. He is most active in the evenings and the movements are getting stronger and stronger. I love it so much. 

Food Cravings?  
Really no cravings this past week but I've had a huge appetite despite a super sore throat and clogged head that ruins the taste of everything. So I've been having a lot of toast with peanut butter and soup.

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
Not really, which is nice.

What I miss?  
Sleeping through the night. between pee breaks, this cold, and a toddler who has decided it's fun to wake up a bunch throughout the night, I really miss a peaceful night sleep. I realize this is what life will be like after Zigs arrives, which is why I would really appreciate feeling rested leading up to the whole newborn thing.

None lately, which is great since I felt like I was going to puke most of December.

Tired. Back Pain. Leaky Boobs. Dry Skin.

Labor signs?  
No signs of labor! Thankfully. Just A LOT of thinking about labor.


Belly Button In or Out?
The button is still in, but it's getting super shallow.  

Wedding rings On or Off?  
Rings are on and still fitting normally.

See above. It's not great.

What I'm looking forward to?  
Setting up the crib and getting more of the nursery put together!


  1. Sorry you weren't feeling well last week, lady! Here's hoping you'll get better soon. Cheers to the crib!

  2. You're looking amazing!! I bet getting the crib is SO exciting! :) I can't even wait to see pics of baby #2!

  3. Hope you get over the cold/sickness soon! :( And seriously- I don't know how you MN people do it. Winter in Ohio already feels miserable, I cannot imagine what you deal with up there!!! Also- in shock reading that Zig is more than a foot long, THAT IS CRAZY!!! <3

  4. You look so fabulous and I hope you feel better soon! The movements are just the best and I am nonstop thinking about labor too and all the "what if" questions....bah! Also, had my 26 week appt today and I got the shiny flag of "up 20 pounds!" too....woooof. But hey, that just means we've got healthy, growing babies right?!?!

  5. You look great!! Hope you are feeling better!! Love pink blush!!

  6. You are loony fabulous even if you aren't feeling it!

  7. EEP! :) Dude. Peanut butter was my FAVORITE food when I was pregnant with Tyler. I ate PB&Js like they were going out of style!! Yum. :)

  8. I'm sorry you weren't feeling well this past week - hope you're on the mend! xo, Biana


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