Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Baby To Do {2 months to go}

I cannot believe we are already a week in to March and our baby is due to arrive sometime in the next two months! The past few weeks I've been feeling painfully behind on baby stuff but thankfully I was able to knock a couple of things off this past week. I love seeing this baby to do list is get shorter and  shorter and I am starting to feel more  ready for this baby to join our family (despite feeling wildly unorganized right now) if there is such a thing as feeling ready, because really who am I kidding?

 Find Sprinkle outfits - my goodness was this an ordeal. I cannot even tell you how many dresses I tried on, bought and returned. I don't know why this was so stinkin' hard for me, but I am really happy and excited about what I found for both my sprinkles and am also super glad maternity dress shopping is now OVER. 

 Hostess gifts for Sprinkle hosts - I had a lot of fun shopping for these! I got each of the girls something different and unique to them and am really excited about both gifts. It means so much that they are spending their precious time and hard earned money to celebrate me and Ziggy and I just wish I could give them more! 

 Put together a Big Sister gift for Kenley - I am SO EXCITED about this! All of the stuff for her bag is purchased and now in my possession! I still need to wrap everything up and put it together but it's almost done! It's so hard for me to keep this hidden and a secret, I know she's going to love every bit of it and I just want to give it to her now! Post all about it coming up eventually. 

 Talk to Sara Jayne about maternity, hospital & newborn shoots - We have our general game plans for all of our shoots nailed down, of course a lot of the details will depend on when Big Zig decides to debut but I have my ideas and outfits and everything squared away - just have to have a baby to photograph and we're good. 

 Find outfits and plan details for maternity shoot - done and done! It wasn't much planning outfits as it was just buying like 10 things and then returning what I didn't use. 

✔ Develop birth plan - Despite knowing that the details of giving birth are relatively out of my hands, I do have some things that are really important to me this time around. I'll be sharing my hopes for this birth some time soon.

✔ 28 week prenatal visit - We got to see our little man and learned that he as healthy as can be and is growing better than we had expected. As of this appointment he was measuring 3 weeks big!

✔ Go on babymoon! Best 5 days EVER. I can't say it enough, a little family getaway was so necessary and so fun and the best possible way to celebrate our days as a family of three coming to an end.

✔ 32 week prenatal visit - I still need to recap week 32 {I'll get to that eventually} but we had our appointment last week and let's just say that this Ziggy Boy is a pill. 

✔ Take maternity photos - We took our photos with Sara over the weekend and I am so excited to see them and share them with you! It was such a fun morning and we got some really great ones. I'm so grateful that Kenley cooperated and had fun with it and I know I'll treasure these photos forever. 

✔ Make hospital packing list and pick up anything we need  - the list has been made and all miscellaneous items have been purchased, now I just need to get them packed up! 

✔ Build phone tree for baby announcement - I have a note on my phone with the list of people we need to notify as soon as Ziggy has made his grand entrance! I would hate to forget anyone important which is a definite possibility after you've just given birth and are soaking up those first minutes, so good to be prepared ahead of time.

✔ Design birth announcements and address/stamp envelopes - I am thrilled to be teaming up with Minted.com on Ziggy's Birth Announcement! They have so many fantastic designs and their quality is top notch! Beyond that, they make a mama-to-be's life SO EASY by offering a "pay now design later" option. Once I knew which announcements I wanted, I ordered them! Once baby is born I'll just throw in his stats and a couple of photos and then send those bad boys to print! It's so nice having that done and taken care of ahead of time as I know I will be knee deep in nursing and spit up and poop when it comes time to get these sent. Minted also offers recipient and return address printing on their envelopes which is another life saver for a new mom. I already have all of our addresses uploaded in there, so when they go to print and then arrive at the door all I'll have to do is stuff, seal and stamp! Otherwise, let's be honest, it'd probably take me MONTHS to get all of that done with a newborn and toddler. I'm keeping the design we chose under wraps until I send them out, but here are a couple of the runner ups! So many cute designs, it was really hard to pick! 
 Darling Photo Grid Birth Announcements

  Reach goal of walking/running/biking 400 miles - Well this goal is pretty much shot. I've only gone 114.35 miles so far and with less than 2 months until my due date I highly doubt I'll be able to go 285 more (that'd be more than 5 miles/day!) It amazes me how much I was able to walk when I was pregnant with Kenley, I just have not been able to muster that much this time around.

  Celebrate baby at Sprinkle! - My first sprinkle was a little over a week ago and was so wonderful! My second is this Sunday!!!! 

  Send Sprinkle thank you notes - The thank you notes for my first sprinkle have been sent and I'll get the rest done once we're done partying on Sunday. 

  Unpack and wash baby gear, pump and bottles - All of Kenley's old baby gear has been unpacked and I've washed the pieces I am able. Now I just need to get everything assembled {like the Rock N Play, Bouncer and Play Hopping thingy - what are those called?} I figure I will wash bottles and get those all organized soon.

  Finalize outfits & ideas for newborn shoot - I have a couple different "looks" for Ziggy all planned out and cannot wait for Sara to work her magic on our little boy. I have decided not to plan outfits out for the rest of us and instead just wear what fits and works when the time comes. I mean really, no one will be looking at us when there's an adorable baby in the photo anyways. So really all that's left to do is pick up a couple things that we will need for the shoot.

  Work on the nursery - We are waiting on a new crib to arrive - drama. But once that is assembled all that's left to do is decorate! I have a ton of stuff just waiting to find a perfect spot in the room and I can't wait to get it all placed. I'm holding off until I have absolutely everything I need and my sprinkles are done to start putting holes in the walls, despite totally chomping at the bit.

  Attend a TC Bump Club Workout - So mad at myself for not attending a single one of these. I just can't seem to make the timing work! Bummer. 

 Schedule some prenatal yoga classes - Again, mad at myself. I think a little prenatal yoga would be really good for me in these final months, so I'm not giving up hope on this one yet. 

{weeks 28-32}
  Schedule professional house cleaning

{weeks 32-36}
  Attend TC Bump Club Workout
  34 week prenatal appointment
  Finish nursery
  Pack for the hospital
  Pack Kenley's bag

weeks {36 -BABY!}
  36 week prenatal visit & group B stress test
  Baby laundry
  Buy any remaining baby items
  Install car seat
  37 week prenatal visit
  Make freezer meals
  Rest & Relax!
  38 week prenatal visit
  39 week prenatal visit


  1. GIRLFRIEND you are moving right along. What a great list of things to have checked off, well done! Can't wait to see the announcement, you have my addy right ;)!

  2. Super mom!!!!! :) You are SO on top of things, even if it might not always seem like it ;) I'm so glad you and Zig are getting sprinkled with love, can't wait to hear about your second one too! After that one you're going to be a nursery decorating/prepping machine! xo!

  3. You're doing so great at your to do list Beeb! I know it feels like there's so much to do, but I promise you're on it! I can't wait to snuggle and kiss up on that not so little Ziggy!!!!!

  4. AHHHH I'm about to create my own to-do list before welcoming this baby - and I only have about 6 weeks left to go, yikes! Your list has reminded me of a few things I've forgotten about. It sounds like a lot of the things on your to-do list are fun, though! I definitely recommend prenatal yoga, I've been going for a few weeks and feel SO much better on the days after class. -- Lisa | Naptime Chai

  5. Ahh! You are ON the ball, girl! Great job. Now I feel like I need to organize my entire life, ha!


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