Thursday, March 31, 2016

Delta Children | A Mom's Experience

I am not receiving any kind of compensation for this post, in fact the people at Delta Children have no idea who I am or that I am writing this post. I am just a mom and a consumer who felt the need to share her experience. 

Both Kenley's crib and dresser are Delta Children brand and we have loved the quality and design of both and as a result looked at only Delta products when searching for a crib for Ziggy. Some cribs are made so cheaply and yet are still priced the same as the competitors, so we felt good knowing we were getting a good product for the money that would be spent. We ordered another 4-in-1 convertible crib for Zigs {the Haven} so that the bed can grow with him as it has and will continue to with Kenley. 
My mom was kind enough to gift us the crib and I was so excited to put it together. There is something about assembling the crib that feels like such a huge milestone in the whole pregnancy process. But, I was absolutely crushed when I noticed that the front rail of the crib was warped, the back rail of the crib didn't fit together right leaving a noticeable gap in the corner along with 3-4 other minor issues. 
This crib is something my mom had spent a good chunk of money on and something we were hoping to have for many, many years so for it to not be perfect was so disappointing. As a hormonal mama-to-be, my first thought was to write a flame-a-gram to the customer service department about how ashamed they should be to send out a product in this condition. Thankfully, I cooled down, gathered my emotions and decided instead to check online for their "damaged goods" policies. I was defeated when I read that they asked for returned products to be shipped back in the original packaging within 10 days. Because I had been painting the nursery, our crib had been sitting in our living room for a week and a half and would not make it back in 10 days. Plus, un-assembling the entire crib, packing it back up and shipping that enormous box just really did not feel like an option. 

So, I gave the customer service department a call and without even having to tap into my prepared sob story, I was told they would ship me replacement pieces at no charge and they would be at my door in 5-7 days. Which they were. Unfortunately, the replacement pieces only seemed to make matters worse and I was left a defunct crib and a half and two giant boxes I didn't want to throw out until I knew if I had to return this crib aka A MESS.
I gave customer service a call once again and this time the process was more involved and frankly more annoying. Clearly, the original crib that we received was a lemon and therefore nothing was going to work. It ended up being about 3 weeks of back and forth emailing and phone calling and then I lost it. I'm pregnant, I'm nesting and my baby needs a crib...a good one. So I basically told them I needed my {mom's} money back or I needed a new crib and right away. They did send me a brand new crib, one that took 3 incredibly long and torturous weeks to be delivered, but that was perfect.

This was a far from ideal way to get Ziggy's crib and while it was frustrating and annoying, I can look back with a clear mind and say that the people at Delta Children were incredibly kind. understanding and helpful during the whole thing and I greatly appreciate that they took care of the problem and made it right. I love the crib we chose and am so happy that it all worked out.


  1. Ugh, what a gigantic pain in the butt! I'm glad that they eventually did replace it, and that it worked out. You definitely want a safe crib, and if it was a lemon, they should have just replaced it right away. Did they make you ship it back, or just trash it? I'm glad it worked out well for you in the end!

  2. Phew, glad you got it fixed!!!

  3. Ugh- such a nightmare!!! =\ I'm so glad they FINALLY got it all worked out for you, but I cannot imagine how long those weeks felt of the back and forth!

  4. I feel your pain!! Our crib had multiple problems and we have to get a new one - that it's possible won't arrive until I'm 38 weeks!!! Luckily I have not shed any tears....yet - but I'm so frustrated about all of it!! Glad you have your crib in time!!! :)

  5. happy that crib is together! annnnnndddd i love the big sis step stool- such a cute idea!


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