Wednesday, July 6, 2016

4th of July 2016

Oh hey there! Remember me? Yea, I'm the crazy mom-of-two who still can't seem to get her head on straight!  I'm hoping to get back into a swing with blogging at least somewhat regularly...but we all know I've said that before! We've been so busy and have been having so much fun, there's much to catch you all up on,  starting with this past Monday - the 4th of July! 

We've started a tradition with my family every year that's so much fun! We start the day on Lake Minnetonka cruising the lake and enjoying the sunshine {though this year was a tad cloudy}.
This year's boat highlights included my brother jumping off the moving pontoon while the rest of us acted panicked in an attempt to scare my mom...which was hilarious. And also, meeting up with one of my besties and her lil family for a bit.
Kenley, however, would say the highlights were all the snacks her yia yia brought her and feeding cheese to the fishes with her Auntie Nat.

After a great morning on the lake, we went home to regroup. My little family of four ALL slept for 3 hours which is unheard of! It was glorious and we all woke up in an awesome mood! That evening we went to the country club for fireworks and a super fun kid's festival they put on every year. Nolan was a champ and Kenley had a blast feeding the ponies, playing with bunnies in the petting zoo and getting her face painted. 
 It was another great fireworks show and even though Kenley was nervous about them at first ended up loving them {just has she has every year}. She had some pretty great commentary, my favorite being "ya know, fireworks kinda sound like toots." And Mr. Nolan was very unimpressed and fell asleep about halfway through them. 
It was a wonderful first holiday as a family four and I'm excited to introduce Nolan to more and more family traditions throughout his first year!

I hope you all enjoyed your long holiday weekends as well!


  1. A family nap for 4 hours?! that's amazing!! I bet you were all rested! ;) What a fun way to spend your long weekend!!! Nolan is so darn cute!

  2. Looks like a really great weekend. The picture of Kenley & the pony is adorable.

  3. Awww, I love seeing pics of your adorable family! And girl, take your time getting back into the regular swing of blogging--you've got two little ones on your hands now!

  4. YAY! A new post!!! I can only read and re-read your old ones so many times ya know ;) Your boating pictures make me so jealous- looks like the perfect way to spend your 4th! Also, your tanktop is amazing.

  5. Family traditions mean so much. I love our 4th with the whole gang being together. xo m

  6. Welcome back! What a great 4th!


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