Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Favorite Sound & Some Changes

Well Happy Hump Day everyone. 
I spent yesterday working from home feeling like crap in a townhouse with no heat while it was -8° outside. 
Needless to say, this week got off to a rocky start, but now it's Wednesday and my week is almost done {working only a few hours at home on Friday is pretty much amazeballs}.

You may notice that there are some changes around these parts! What do you think of the new blog design? I wanted to simplify things a bit...but obviously couldn't move away from my black and white. 
You like?

Also, I wanted to let all my devoted followers know that I am changing my Twitter name! I recently changed my Instagram name and I want them to from here on out you guys can find me on both as
and if you don't follow should probably start. 

In other news, Jason has been great at taking videos of Kenley. This is something I always thought I would be a spaz about {since I love taking photos and was a film major for several semesters in college} but I've totally been dropping the ball. Luckily, Jason has been utilizing our iPad mini to capture our little love and this video is my favorite so far, please also enjoy Jason's baby voice:
I have never in my life thought about having a favorite sound, but now I know without a doubt that Kenley's "voice" is my ultimate favorite. She has started to laugh and gurgle and coo and he little sounds are THEE cutest ever. Music to my ears people!


  1. That is the most precious thing it!!! Oh and I am loving the new blog design :)

  2. LOVE the new design! And, as usual, Kenley is the cutest! :) Baby noises are the best!

  3. Awww. Kenley is so stinking cute! New follower here for sure!


  5. oh my gosh this is the cutest thing ever! She is so happy and loves her daddy! Her coos are the cutest. I think I could watch her all day!!!!!!!

  6. Love the new blog design girl! You look gorgeous in that picture :)

  7. Love the new design...and that video is precious. :) aww!

  8. I'm sure Jason loves his baby voice being shared with the world ;) It's SO cute though and my goodness, Kenley is such a little sweetie!! She looks so happy and precious :)

  9. LOVE the design and KNEW you wouldn't stray away from the black/white! hahaha! :) Watching this video now! :))

  10. omg could there be ANYTHING cuter????love her and esp jasons sounds haha she has him wrapped around her finger! :)

    and the design is perfect. love it so much


  11. awwwee super cute! i love the daddy baby voice "what are those birds doing!?" hehe

    p.s. love the new and simple b/w look!

  12. OH my word just stop it with the cuteness. Just stop! xoxo

  13. babies are so weird with the squirmin and faces, but OHMIGOD she is adorable!!!

  14. Love that little toothless grin! Oh, and of course Jason's baby voice. LOL!

  15. She is just the sweetest thing!!!

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