Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Top Ten...Disney Movies

I will openly admit that I am one of those weirdo adults who has an inappropriate love for animated Disney movies. They are timeless and I loved them growing up and have yet to grow out of them. Now that I have a baby am I BEYOND excited to introduce her to all of the amazing movies. 

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic is animated Disney movies! 

101 Dalmatians
Released in 1961.
Fun Fact: During the "Twilight Bark Scene" (ya know where they're alerting each other of the lost puppies) a bunch of the Lady and the Tramp characters can be seen in the pet shop window.

Lady and the Tramp
Released in 1955
Fun Fact: Walt Disney gave his wife a dog wrapped in a hat box, and used the same idea in the movie. 

Oliver and Company
Released in 1988
Fun Fact: This movie took just over two and a half years to complete and consisted of a staff of over 300 people.

Peter Pan
Released in 1953
Fun Fact: The movie doesn't use any of the original dialog from J.M. Barrie's play.
also...Tinkerbell is my all time favorite Disney character.  :)

Released in 1942
Fun Fact: Two fawns were donated to Disney for the animation of the movie so the artists could study their movements and behavior. They were appropriately named Bambi and Faline, and when they were full grown were released in nearby Griffith Park. 

Princess and the Frog
Released in 2009
Fun Fact: This was the first traditionally (2-D) animated Disney movie in five years.

Released in 1950
Fun Fact: When Cinderella is singing "Sweet Sweet Nightingale" three bubbles form to make a Mickey Mouse head.

Beauty & the Beast
Released in 1991
Fun Fact: Beauty and the Beast was the first ever animated movie to be nominated for a Best Picture Academy Award. This was before there was an animated category. 

The Little Mermaid
Released in 1989
Fun Fact: 80% of the film required some sort of special effect like shadows, schools of fish swimming, bubbles and storms.

Aladdin, The Lion King & Finding Nemo
I know, I know I am totally cheating but I literally agonized over which of these movies to put first and I changed my mind like 10 times. I even asked myself "If these three movies were in front of you right now, which would you watch?" Wanna know my answer to myself? "I would have someone else choose for me." 
No joke. 
So...yes, I have three favorite Disney movies.

Released in 1992
Fun Fact: Aladdin became the highest grossing animated movie at the time with $200 million internationally.

The Lion King
Released in 1994
Fun Fact: Over 1 million drawings were created for the movie and it was originally titled King of the Jungle.

Finding Nemo
Released in 2003
Fun Fact: Bruce the shark was named after what Steven Spielberg named the mechanical shark used in Jaws.

What is your favorite of all time?


  1. ummmmmmmmm, you and i need to be best friends!

    Those are pretty much all ofmy top movies too. I think I'd sneak in Aristocats though.

    MUST watch 101 dalmations soon.....15 missing puddles?!?!!!?


  2. I agree, it is hard to pick a "favorite" Disney movie...all of these would be my number 1! I also would have to include Sleeping Beauty. Oh, and who doesn't love the Seven Dwarfs? Can you really just pick a top 10? Me thinks not :)

  3. I love all of these but Finding Nemo is def my fave!!! LOVE it!!!

  4. OMG! I LOVE Disney movies! How have we not had a Disney marathon yet? I'm not really ok with this. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite favorite, but I love all of these choices!

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE The Lion King!! That is my FAV! In 7th grade...I collected everything Lion King. All the little toys out of kids meals, so many stuffed animals...but room was just Lion King!! I was very mad when they made a sequel becuase you shouldn't mess with such a great movie...the original is still the best!

  6. I'm a TOTAL Disney nerd, and so is Jared!!! Hence- our upcoming DisneyWorld trip in April, lol!

    Lion King and 101 Dalmatians are probably my top 2, although like you- it's almost impossible to put some of them in order!! I also LOVE Princess and the Frog for a 'newer' Disney movie, and I love that they animated it old-school style!!

    We have dinner reservations for the brand new 'Be Our Guest' restaurant when we go and it looks just like the movie! EEEEE!!!!

  7. I was holding my breath that Lion King would be #1 :)

  8. Love, love, love Peter Pan!! And The Little Mermaid. And Sleeping Beauty. Haha-- my husband actually is a big Disney fan too, so we're starting a collection of the movies. They're so great!! :)

  9. Oh I LOVE Disney movies too!! That is a tough tough decision though...and I agree with you that a 3 way tie is the only way to end it! My votes would go for Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, and Cinderella!

  10. GREAT list!!! If anyone says they don't like Disney movies - they are LYING. haha.

  11. The Lion King, Cinderella, Beauty & the Beast and The Little Mermaid are my all time favs! Followed closely by Lady & the Tramp, Aladdin and Nemo! :) I LOVE Disney!

  12. I would have to say Beauty and the Beast or Aladdin! And I loved all of your fun facts, I'd never heard any of them!!

  13. Girl, I am that adult that gets SO EXCITED for Disney re-releases in the theater. I don't even know that I could pick a favorite. However, I DO know that I'll be singing "Why Should I Worry" for the rest of the night :)

  14. I have never seen Princess and the Frog. I need to!

  15. Love this post! I'm right there with you girl! Love them all.

  16. I love disney movies!! Totally forgot about oliver and company, that was a good one, haha!!

  17. Can you believe that I've never seen Finding Nemo?? Oops! Haha. I think my favorite is Cinderella! Such a sweet love story!!

  18. this is such a fun post! i love all of the fun facts :) avrie and i watch a disney movie at least once a week- we just added lion king on dvd to our collection :)

  19. Beauty and the Beast is mine! I know ALLLL the words. Crazy!


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