Thursday, February 28, 2013

Give Me the Bacon

This is BEYOND random, but a few weeks ago Jess posted about how her dad was an extra in Jaws (how cool is that?!) She ended her post with the mind-blowing discovery that she was less than 6 degrees from Kevin Bacon. Being that I absolutely LOVE Kevin Bacon {my mom and I call him Kevey Bakey---don't really know why} my wheels started turning...."what are the chances that I am 6 degrees from Kevin Bacon?"

and guess what friends...


This is our friend Ryan (and his baby, Claire, who is no longer a baby):

Ryan's second cousin, Nick Shenk, wrote the movie Grand Torino.

Grand Torino starred Clint Eastwood.

Clint Eastwood directed the movie Mystic River starring ... KEVIN BACON!

So then I started to think....
if it's that easy to connect to Kevin Bacon, why can't I connect with Leonardo DiCaprio?
And, well, I can: Ryan ----> Nick Schenk ----> Clint ----> Kevey Bakey who starred in Apollo 13 with Tom Hanks, who starred in Catch Me If You Can with Leo!

That's all I've got, off to ask Ryan for a HUGE favor....have a good day people.


  1. Oh my goodness. This is TOOOO CUTE!! ;-D Loooooooooooove LEO!

  2. bahahahaha this is amazing and wonderful and awesome!


  3. this seriously cracks me up. poor kevin bacon. how did his life wind up here. hahaha

  4. Sweet!! Which means...I am close to you so I am also close to Kevey, Leo and even Clint. Glad you figured this all out it made my day. xo m

  5. i REALLY hope this is true for me and channing! ;)


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