Monday, February 4, 2013

Weekend Recap: Date, Dance, Babies & Beyonce

happy monday....not!
I thought not working on Fridays would make the weekends so much longer, but it doesn't, they still fly by in a flash.

It also doesn't help when your stupid cell phone decides not to charge and instead die overnight so your alarm doesn't go off. YUP! Woke up at 7:15 this morning....and hour and fifteen minutes later than I wanted to. While the extra sleep was nice, I got screwed out of my morning with Kenley causing me to leave the house in tears, great start to the week.

Anyways, today I'm linking up with Sami to share our weekend!


I've been a little mopey lately because I've been missing my husband. No, he hasn't gone anywhere and in fact we are probably together more now than we were before Kenley was born. But as it turns out, having a baby changes your relationship and causes you to work a little harder at it. Anyways, after feeling like we'd never have "us" time ever again, Jason planned a date night for us which was completely wonderful. 
We went to Wildfire for dinner and they just so happened to have my FAVORITE white by the bottle! And then we saw Silver Linings Playbook which we both LOVED! One of the best movies I've seen in a long time and I think all four acting roles deserve the Oscar. After the movie we picked up our little pumpkin, went home and watched our wedding FINALLY came and I have to say it was totally worth the wait. He did an incredible job of capturing every little detail! It was so much fun reliving our day and seeing things that neither of us had seen that day or things we had forgotten! 

Saturday morning I woke up with quite the wine headache but had to power through for an early morning eye appointment, an eye appointment that has been about 4 years in the making. Immediately afterwards, I made a pit stop at Starbucks {gotta rack up those reward points} and was on my way to cheer on my sister and her HS dance team in the Section Finals. You may remember last year that they were runner-ups in the State Kick Competition (and my sister was only a Freshman!)
This year, sadly, they didn't qualify for state in either category, but they danced great and I couldn't be more proud of my baby sister!

Saturday afternoon we met up with some friends for a multi-baby play date. It was so fun seeing our buddies and having all of our kids together. It was really refreshing to spend some time with other parents, I am pretty much the first of my close girlfriends to have a baby and while I absolutely adore my friends, it was nice to be around people who get it and who are going through all the same things we are. We attempted to get all of the kids together for a group picture, but as you can imagine with kids ranging from age 2.5 months to 5 years-old, we had a pretty hard time. This is the ONLY picture I have of all 7 kids:
 Ha! We tried.
And, yes, my child is missing a sock...apparently she's going to be "that kid."

We got home at about 9pm on Saturday, and me and Kenley were POOPED! Playing with all those little kids sure takes it out of ya. We were both in bed and asleep by 9:30 and didn't wake up until 8:45 the next morning! MY BABY SLEPT FOR 11 STRAIGHT HOURS! Which means I slept for 11 straight hours! BLISS you guys! Total and complete bliss! Kenley has been a pretty great sleeper since day one, but this is just insane. And, she woke up just as happy as can be.

And of course, last night, we watched the Super Bowl. We went to our friends Colin & Sharisse's and met up with the beeb and her hubby Jake. It was a good game {thanks to the power outage} but all I really cared about was BEYONCE! Damn that woman! I been obsessed with B since the early DC days...I have all of their (and her) albums and have seen both DC and Beyonce in concert. She is SO talented, beyond gorgeous and down-to-earth. I just adore her and I think she totally rocked the halftime show!
Best half time since Britney & NSYNC! Am I right?

 I hope you all had great weekends!
Off to power through another week of work.


  1. baby playdates are fun. i know what you mean being with friends that GET it. i am lucky to have been one of the last of our friends to have kids ;) except now avrie is just the youngen of the group.

    BRITNEY + HALFTIME = cant beat ;)

  2. Looks like a fun weekend! :) I'm so sad that Kara didn't make it to state... :(

  3. Kenley is seriously Jason's mini me! Her sweet little smile just melts my heart! I'm so glad that y'all got in a date night! Much deserved! :)

  4. Sounds like a full and fun weekend!
    Loved seeing Kens with all of the kids. Glad you got in a date too. xo m

  5. I'm so glad you were able to get a date night in! Wildfire is my absolute favorite restaurant in Minnesota and go there every time I'm in town.

    And hooray for 11 hours of sleep! What a good baby Kenley is :)

  6. I was the very first of all my friends to have kids...and nobody 'got it' for a very long, I can totally see why you'd want that time with friends who have gone through the same thing.

    Beyonce is gorgeous!! I have loved her since her days with DC, too. Last night my girls and I were watching her performance and they both said..."Mommy, you look way prettier than Beyonce". And they were serious. I about died.

  7. AHHH- I want to see that movie! I'm so glad to hear you loved it, I can't wait now :) Glad you and Jason got a lil date night.

    I love the pic of all 7 kids haha- real life, right there :)

  8. Your lil peanut is super cute! Love those pictures!


  9. Your little one is so so adorable! I love those two pictures of her smiling! Isn't being a momma great! I've got two boys but hope to have a little girl to make my little princess! :) How hot was the Beyonce concert!! Girlfriend rocked it and I was left wanting more!

    Lins @ Country Roots City Living

  10. Kenley is precious! Sounds like a great weekend & an awesome date night!


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