Tuesday, March 26, 2013

baby talk

I'm feeling inspired. 

I know....scary. 

But I'm feeling really inspired by my baby girl, and a great conversation I had with my mom and Beeb about parenting and most of all I'm feeling inspired by you!

I'd say the majority of you that read this little blog are moms, moms-to-be or fabulous ladies who one day plan on and/or hope to be a mom. Throughout my pregnancy and now during these first few months of Kenley's life I have been craving information. I am absolutely fascinated with pregnancy...all aspects of it. I think the medical side of it is so interesting and I love hearing how different and yet how similar everyone's pregnancies are. I am fascinated by childbirth. It's such an emotional and overwhelming and surreal experience and everyone's birth is so, so different. And then there's parenting....breastfeeding, sleep habits, childhood development, toys, gear, etc. etc. etc. I could literally talk about all things baby for days and days and days! It never gets old. But what I've found is that the information provided in books is very biased and matter-of-fact and information provided online is very vague or unreliable. 

SO, with that in mind I've decided to start a weekly link-up called
 photo baby-talk-button_zps829f6bd6.jpg  
I don't really know where I'm going to go with this or really what it's going to mean. What I do know is that I am going to post about the baby related things that are happening to me and what I've learned from them. I'd also love to have all of you post about your baby experiences...conception, pregnancy, childbirth, newborns, breastfeeding, baby gear, baby showers, baby fashion...WHATEVER! The information I've received from my mom friends is a million times more valuable than the advice I've read in books...so why not create a place where blog moms can meet and exchange stories? 

SO! Starting next Tuesday...grab the button from my sidebar, write about your baby and then come back to link-up! 



  1. I think it was brought up at one of our last MN blogger group get-together's on what advice us Mama's have for those who want to start having a family. The first thing that flew out of my mouth was...don't read the damn pregnancy/baby books. Everyone seems to think that because it's in those books, that's the way it is and should be, which is so NOT the case. Everyone is different - every mom, baby and family is different and what has happened and worked for me may not happen or work for you and vice versa.

    This is a great idea. :) Thanks for starting it.

  2. Sounds fun! I read baby books like a crazy person up til the day mine was born, then I never opened one again. Useless. Are you looking for brand new posts or maybe some useful things we have written in the past? I have some posts I have written that might be interesting.

  3. any excuse to blog about my baby is good for me ;) i love feeling inspired! looking forward to it.

  4. Love this! Now I just have to make sure Abbie gives me some time to blog...

  5. This is awesome! I can't wait to start linking up and spending even more time reading about baby stuff! Like you, everything about it fascinates me and I love hearing other people's experiences.

  6. Why dpesn't your blog show up on my dashboard anymore?! Ugh, I'm so frustrated and just realized that it's been 2 months of it not showing up. Lame!


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