Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Recap

happy monday y'all <----- that's me being southern, I guess I've been watching too much Friday Night Lights. 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, ours was pretty fantastic. 

I kicked off the weekend on Thursday night by having dinner with my mom, my Beeb and my baby girl. It was so much fun, so fun in fact, I didn't take a single picture. 

Friday I spent the day running errands with my mom. We had some coffee and discussed the plans for Kenley's baptism. 
Then we met up with my Beeb at Target to get supplies and gifts for a surprise sprinkle we hosted on Saturday. Then we were off to finish our shopping by finding Kenley's baptism and Easter dresses. Little Miss Kenley also got a very special delivery on Friday...her first pair of designer shoes!
does it get any cuter?

Friday night I enjoyed a night out with my husby. We went to one of our favorite spots, Bistro 11, to see one of Jason's coworkers who bartends there. We had an incredible dinner and some delicious drinks. 

Saturday, Carolyn and I hosted a mini surprise sprinkle for our dear friends Colin & Sharisse who are expecting baby #2 in June. It was a wonderful night with friends and I'm so glad that we had the opportunity to shower Sharisse and the little one on the way. 

 Sunday was spent relaxing, doing laundry, watching Friday Night Lights and hanging out with this Nugget. 

Linking up with Sami. 


  1. Kenley is so adorable! Is it sad I'm jealous of her? I don't own a pair of designer shoes, and her first pair are so precious!!

    "Y'all" did a great job with the cute! :)

  2. So cute, I love the sprinkle idea.

    OH EM GOODNESS< lil miss K is so precious! SOOOO PRECIOUS!!!

  3. Yay for 3 days in a row with Kenley and Beeb! Yay for baby designer shoes! And yay for surprise sprinkles! Not yay to being Monday. :(

  4. Oooh lala...look at those baby designer shoes. Kenley the fashionista.

    Looks like a great weekend!

  5. Nope. It does not get any cuter than Baby Weitzman shoes!! ;-) WELL actually, the photo of Baby K and Carolyn is pretty adorable as well hahah.

    SO glad you and Jason had a fun night out too! FUN weekend!

  6. I'm loving the shoes! Way more stylish than me but every little girl deserves a pair :) I swear my nieces shoe collection is better than mine too!

    Great job on the sprinkle! So cute :)

    New follower by the way!

  7. Kenley's new shoes are so adorable! Glad you and the hubs were able to sneak away for a nice date night.

  8. Baby Stuart Weitzman's? That is one well dressed little baby! So cute! Thanks for linking up :)

  9. Love the sprinkle idea, looks like it turned out really cute!!!

    Kenley is too stinkin cute!!

  10. i 100000% mean this when I say it, but HONESTLY, Kenley is probably one of the cutest babies I have ever seen.

    she just has so much personality!!!! and i cannot wait to see her and baby Roe together! they'll be the 2 best friends that anyone could have!!

    also that shower is adorable adorable adorable

    those drinks look fantastic. Are the bottom right ones cran/vodka?!? if so, my fav :-)

    ok we seriously need to all get together!! following along on steph/katies texas adventure makes me really miss you ladies and wish we can get together!! SOON SOON!!!


  11. i dont know you in R.L. but... your hair looks so long and so pretty!

    i also just love kenley's little lashes.

    and tell me... i keep hearing about these sprinkles.... are showers a things of the past, whats the diff!?


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