Thursday, April 11, 2013

This Past Week

I cannot believe we're two weeks in to April already. I have been so busy lately (at work and at home) and it feels like time is just FLYING (no thanks to this CRAPTASTIC weather we've been having!). 

Here's an update of what we've been up to this past week...

First of all, Jason and I flew through the first two seasons of The Walking Dead on Netflix! We watched both seasons in a week! We're also caught up on Breaking Bad (on Netflix) and we are so anxious to be fully caught up on both shows!
Any ideas of where we can find Season 3 of The Walking Dead and Season 5 of Breaking Bad? 
(they're not on Netflix yet. Damnit!)

Aside from watching zombies destroy the world and chemistry teachers cook meth, I hung out with a few of my best friends last weekend. What started out as meeting one of my girlfriends for a drink quickly turned in to a full blown girls night at our house.
I definitely don't see these girls enough and it was SO fun to catch up and act like fools with some of my favorite people. 

This past Saturday, we met up with some very dear family friends to watch the Final Four. Lisa was my guidance counselor in high school and also worked with my mom. It was so fun seeing her and her husband, Brad, and their two amazing kids Tanner & Reese. 

Sunday was a day I've been counting down to since Thanksgiving...the Bon Jovi concert!!! My mom LOVES Bon Jovi {she calls him "Sweet Baby"}. We went to New York three years ago to see his show there, so when we found out he was touring again and coming to Minneapolis, it was a no brainer. 
I cannot get over what an amazing show he puts on! The guy has so much damn energy. He jumps around, rocks out and dances the WHOLE concert! And they play for almost three hours with no breaks. It was so much fun!

I took Monday after the concert off which was a genius idea. I slept at my mom's house that night which meant it was my FIRST night away from Kenley! I was a little worried and sad to be leaving her for a whole night but we both survived just fine. Jason did a great job getting her to bed and up and ready the next morning. I was able to get a full night of uninterrupted sleep and actually slept in which was INCREDIBLE. Since Jason still had to work, he brought Kenley to my mom's house in the morning and we spent the day lounging/napping by the fire, 
shopping and enjoying lunch at Crave. It was a perfect day off. 

Then, on Tuesday we had a family dinner at my mom's house. Quick back story : for as long as I can remember my mom has been rewarding/celebrating my brother's big basketball accomplishments (making the traveling team, starting on varsity, scoring a career high, getting recruited by colleges, etc) by making his favorite meal, Porcupine Meatballs - which are essentially meatballs with rice in them served over more rice with a mushroom cream sauce BUT my mom doesn't share the recipe and we have no idea what she does to make them so damn good! Anyways, my brother and Jason play on a rec league basketball team together and recently won the championship! So, per our tradition, we celebrated at my mom's with a delicious porcupine meatball dinner!
Kenley helped cook!

Life's been crazy busy and crazy fun and now that summer is just around the corner it doesn't show any signs of stopping!


  1. Going to Bon Jovi saturday ... I can NOT WAIT! I'm with your mom. LOVE him. Been in love with him since i was 13. Yikes!
    Cold here too. Two days after I had all the windows and doors open I had to turn the furnace back on. SO not happy.

  2. Cute picture of you and your mom! Sounds like a great night out! :)

    Try Hulu, I had to watch part of the second season of Revenge on there because it wasn't on Netflix.

  3. Sounds like a fun week! :) I'm going to need to try these porcupine meatballs someday. :)

  4. Sounds like you guys have been super busy, but having a great time. Try Hulu for your shows. I don't know if they are still doing it, but you can try Hulu+ for free for a week and then I think it is $8 a month after that, but you can cancel at any time. Hope you find them!

  5. "sweet baby" haha sounds better than the rihanna concert!

    i LOVE porcupine meatballs!!

  6. I love your blog! On my day off I get caught up reading it all. It is hard to be long distance (but not that far though) and with our busy schedules it is nice to see all the details of what's been happenin. I get to talk to J alot but I like the details you bring in your blog, I'm that kind of person too. LOVE YOU, and K, J, and Schoob. Miss you.

  7. One of my favorite weekends of all time and I have had some good ones! xo m

  8. love your post. I wish I had gone to a Bon Jovi concert too!!!

  9. Goodness your mama is beautiful! No wonder her daughter and granddaughter are so gorgeous!! :) And I'm totally jealous we can't learn the meatball recipe- it sounds goodddd!!


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