Thursday, May 2, 2013

Kenley: Five Months.

What kind of mother posts her baby's 5 month update over 2 weeks late? UM, this mama, I guess. Whoopsies! 

Now that Kenley is almost 6 months old, let's take a look at month 5! 
Weight: 14 pounds 6 ounces
Sleep: Bedtime is between 7 and 8, waking up around 6am and taking 2-3 naps during the day
Feeding: eating 6 times a day and around 5oz per feeding
Diaper Size: still in size 1
Clothes Size: 3-6 months
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde 
Eye Color: Baby Blues
Milestones: Rolling over from back to front, playing with feet, finding & grabbing toys from all over
Nicknames: Kenny, KenKen, Mou, Kenny Cakes, Squeakerdoo

My darling Kenley,
I must say the five months is my favorite age so far. Your little personality is really starting to shine and you are just such a joy. I have a feeling you will grow up to be quite the already know how to capture your audience. You've learned to do this fake little cough because you know it will get a rise out of everyone. You have also graduated from making little coos and gurgles to full blown shrieks and squeals. It's hilarious.
You are so interested in the world around you and I love watching you try to learn and figure things out. You've become very aware of Bailey and you absolutely LOVE your puggle. You are also grabbing toys like a champion, putting EVERYTHING in your mouth and playing {and chewing on} your adorable little feet.
It's crazy to see how much you've grown and changed in such a short time but every day with you is even more incredible than the last.

Couldn't love you any possible more.
Your mama.


  1. She is so cute!! And getting so big!

  2. Seriously. Every time I see this little munchkin, I fall in love a little more. Love you Kenny!! :)

  3. She is getting so big!!! Wow...and getting more beautiful...didn't know that was possible!!!

  4. She is so beautiful!!! 5 months was one of my favorite! :)

  5. Such a cute little munchkin! :) Happy 5 (almost 6) months, sweet girl!

  6. She is so stinkin cute. Where did MOU come about?! and squekerdoodle? or whatever? LOL!

  7. Beautifully said my dear. The Kens is a joy to have around and I love watching her grow. xo m

  8. I mean seriously HOW do you guys handle the cuteness?! I wouldn't be able to do anything else but look at that cute lil face and play all day! She's perfect, Kristin!!!

  9. Such a cutie!! Happy five months to Kenley!

  10. how in the world is she almost ALREADY 6 months old!?


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