Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Baby Talk :: My View on Baby Safety

Happy Tuesday mamas....it's time for another edition of BABY TALK!

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There's a million and one products and tools out there to keep your baby safe. And while I'm sure they are wonderful and helpful, we don't use hardly any of them. 

Before you go getting your feathers all ruffled and calling child services on me...let me explain. 

I think the key to keeping your child safe is parenting. 

For example, I don't feel the need for a safety gate because Kenley would never be out of my sight long enough to make it to the stairs. If I were doing something where I couldn't keep my eye on her she would either be in her crib, pack n play, bouncer or I would shut doors to keep her contained in the room with me. We also don't have a baby monitor, we are able to hear Kenely when she cries and when she cries we check on her - I don't need to watch her on a screen or track her movement to see if she's OK. 

Again, don't freak out, I'm not saying you're a bad parent or you don't pay attention to your kid if you use safety gates or monitors or any safety gadget for that matter, they are wonderful inventions and I'm sure they are very helpful - I'm just saying Jason and I personally don't feel the need for them in our home and there is no device that can replace keeping an eye on your baby. 

The thing that kills me is that some bone head parents makes a dumb mistake and ruin it for the rest of us. Take the Bumbo for example. 
Literally the week after my baby shower where I was gifted the Bumbo seat by my friend Kristen, it was recalled. When I went to see what the recall was to see if I should be returning the seat I was actually amused to see that they had added a strap to the interior of the seat because babies had fallen off of counter-tops. OF COURSE, I was not amused that babies had fallen and been seriously injured but amused that Bumbo had to recall their product because people don't have common sense enough to watch their kid when they are sitting on a counter-top. Explain to me how this is Bumbo's fault? Needless to say I did not return my Bumbo or get the strap, I simply make sure that my baby is not left alone in the seat anywhere that could cause her harm.
Then of course, after Kenley was born and was actually using the seat I would get comments from people who would see photos of her in it telling me "Did you know those were recalled?" or "Be careful, the Bumbo was recalled" And I actually took offense to this. I know they were trying to be helpful but I was offended that people thought that I wouldn't be up to date on the equipment we were using OR that I would be lumped in to the category of the bonehead parents that don't pay attention to their kids and rely on a product to keep their baby safe. 

Of course it's inevitable that accidents will happen. Kenley has bumped her head plenty of times, but all kids are going to get a scratch or bruise every now and then no matter how closely you watch them or how many gadgets you have to keep them safe.

Think of when our parents were kids - or even when we were kids! Half of these products didn't exist. When I was a baby EVERYONE had bumpers {which are a big no-no now} and my dad didn't even ride in a car seat - heck they didn't even have seat belts!

Obviously we've come a long way and thank heavens we have car seats and seat belts now, but I do think there is a level of overreaction in society as well as a lack of responsibility on parents to actually parent. 

When I actually thought about it I realized that Jason and I use TWO safety products. 
1. Our car seat! 
A car seat is definitely a safety product that cannot be ignored.


2. Outlet covers. 
The day Kenley figured out how to crawl she literally went straight for the outlet and stuck her teeny tiny little finger right in the socket. 

Aside from that, we really haven't had to use anything else. This is not to say we won't need some cabinet locks or things like that in the future. But I will say I don't ever want to spend money on a product that simply replaces me watching my baby. I brought her in to this world and it's my responsibility to keep her safe - if I can't handle that, it's probably time for you to call child services.


  1. Totally agree on the Bumbo issue. I have the one with the straps, but don't use them. My little chunky monkey will not be falling out of his and anytime he is using it, I am right there.
    As soon as he starts crawling in a few months I will definitely be child proofing the downstairs of our house!

  2. You know how I feel about this! :) And can we talk about how it's not possible that Kenley was that little. Just not possible!

  3. I understand we live in arguably a "more dangerous world" but I totally agree. I'm not buying a bunch of unnecessary shit for a brief period of time that we'll need it. I could be eating crow by the time I have a kid, definitely.. but it seems like parents are such spaz's now. I may get hate mail for that but it's true. I ran wild in my neighborhood from sun up to sun down in the summer, got dirt under my nails and ate it. Never wore shoes. Have 10,000 scars all over me from wicked wipe outs- from racing down hills in wagons with zero control. Ya wanna know what? I have a bitchin' immune system, never get sick, and know how to take a hit. buck up.

    Some of this isn't related to the "baby safety" stuff but it's in the same vein. watch your kid. If you need to do something, contain them somehow.

  4. LOOOVE this post! I felt the exact same way about the Nap Nanny! Why should the SMART people who use items CORRECTLY be penalized for the dumb dumbs who can't watch their child!?

  5. Totally true on the outlet covers and car seats ! I would like to add to the list the baby gates for further down the road - but yea - no need to go nuts as long as you are responsible and keep an eye on them :)

  6. People can be SO DUMB. The recall made me mad too!!

  7. What a dumb recall, why are dumb people parents?!?!

    Love the picture of Kenken, so cute

  8. i am SO with you in the fact that how on EARTH are some people so careless when it comes to their baby. we LOVED our bumbo seat!


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