Friday, August 16, 2013

Dear Husbydad,

Well my JJ, you are another year older. You've got 33 years under your belt and I'd say you're doing pretty darn good so far. 

You have a job that you love and are so good at. 
since you don't have any pictures of you working I just used one of you drinking two beers with breakfast - since you sell booze and love beer. 

You have 4 parents, 4 in-laws and more siblings than you could count that love you, are so proud of you, and know that they can always count on you and lean on you. 

You have a fantastic group of friends who you have known forever, they all know you're a smart ass and although they call you out on it they also know that you always have their backs no matter what. 

You have a puggle who loves you so unconditionally that she can't stop wiggling when she sees you. 

You have a daughter, a daughter that looks just like, that adores you, that giggles at you, and will always look up to you and come to you when she needs her daddy. The relationship that you two already have warms my heart and makes me so proud. 

And then you have me, your stunningly beautiful wife that loves you bunches and bunches of toots. And even though you know just how to drive me crazy, I couldn't possibly live without you. I couldn't think of a more fun, loving, kind, annoying, supportive and strong person to spend my life with. 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY you stud muffin! Your girls couldn't love you any more and we are so happy to have you as our Husbydad! 
seriously, what a babe! 


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