Monday, November 18, 2013

Kenley's Birthday Weekend!

What a weekend! 

I CANNOT believe my baby is an entire year old! This weekend was all about her {which really, when is it not all about her?} and we celebrated until we couldn't celebrate any more!

My weekend started promptly at 5pm on Thursday. I went grocery shopping for the party, got a manicure and spent the evening working on dessert/party prep. Kenley's Godmama and Auntie, Nicole, arrived from Florida and spent the evening with the birthday girl.

Friday morning I woke up with a tear in my eye. HOW was it possible that my sweet baby girl was officially a year old? I actually set my alarm for 1:07am {when Kenley was born}, so I could wake up and remember that moment and sneak in to give K a birthday kiss.
I know, I'm a cheese ball.

When Kenley woke up we celebrated with some balloons, a birthday yogurt {her favorite}, and lots of snuggles and play time.
Jason had to work for a bit and little love needed a nap, which gave me some time to work on more party prep. We had a couple of errands to run and things to pick up for the party, but after that it was ALL about spending time with my family and celebrating Kenley's birthday, starting with birthday coffee with yia yia {my mom}!

Once Jason was home, Kenley opened her present and then we took off for the Minnesota Sealife Aquarium.
We spent the afternoon as a family of three, looking at the fishies, and loving on our sweet birthday girl.

Then, that evening we met up with 1/2 of Kenley's grandparents and her Godmama for a birthday dinner.

Once the birthday girl was in bed it was time for mama to finish up all the party crafts and baking.

Saturday was all about the BIG first birthday party! I had been planning this party for MONTHS and I was so excited that the day had finally come. We had an incredible time and I am just so overwhelmed by the wonderful people we have in our lives who love us and love Kenley. She is such a blessed little girl and I am so grateful for all the kind and generous family and friends who joined us to celebrate!

Sunday was recovery day - sleeping, cleaning, napping and writing thank you notes. Then last night we went to my mom's to watch football.

This morning I am home spending more time with my little one year old, recovering from the weekend and bringing Kenley to her one year check-up, boo shots! Make sure to come back tomorrow because I will be sharing all of the details and decor from the party!

I'm linking up with the gorgeous Sami.
Sami's Shenanigans

Happy Monday friends!


  1. WEEE! Happy birthday weekend lil K!

    She is so stinkin' cute, I mean the pigtails GAH!

    Love how special you made the day, so sweet!


  2. I can't wait to read all about the party details tomorrow :)

  3. Her pigtails are seriously so adorable!!!! Can't wait to hear about the party!!! Love that you took her to the aquarium. I hope to take Turner's birthday off every year and do something special!!!

  4. happy ONE!! this sounds like the PERFECT birthday weekend. and that little basket of goodies is SO CUTE and fully perfect for an aquarium trip. Cant wait to see all the party details!

  5. Her PIGTAILS are adorable! Sounds like she had an amazing day.

    Noah LOVES fishies and Nemo!!!

  6. Can't wait to see the party details! Love her piggies!

  7. She is just the CUTEST ever, happy first birthday to lil miss!!! :) Love her Disney/fishy themed bday basket!!

  8. I just love that you set your alarm to sneak in and give her kisses on the minute she was born. My husband and I do the same thing with Alexa (10:02 pm). It's a little harder with Lilli (9:14am) since she's at school. But, we always make sure to note that time of the day!

    What a perfect first birthday - can't wait to hear more.

  9. Those little pigtails are killing me - so cute!

  10. I love that you set the alarm to wake up at 1:07!! You are such a sweet mom, and I can just see you two having the best bond (much like I imagine you and your own mom do!)

    Can't wait to see all the details!

  11. Sounds like we had the same type of weekend! Harper turned one Friday too! It looks like Kenley had a fun weekend!

  12. What a perfect birthday weekend! You are a cheese ball, but it's the cutest :) Luckily Mia was born at 5:21 PM so I won't have to wake up in the middle of the night :)
    I LOVE her dress in that last picture. Where did you get it?

  13. Oh I just love it! And the basket is just too cute! :)

  14. Yay! Happy Birthday weekend Kenley! Looks like you guys had a blast on Friday - can't wait to see the party details!

  15. she is the cutest! totally like her pretty mama.
    im glad it was such a great birthday!

  16. what a fun birth-day! i also love that i have already spotted that ADORABLE gift idea on pinterest!

  17. I can't even handle her little piggy tails and those two front teeth! She is the cutest thing. Sounds like you celebrated right all weekend :)


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