Monday, November 4, 2013

The First Halloween

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday but once you've grown out of the trick or treating stage and then the dress skanky and go crazy at the bar stage it's not quite as fun....until you have kids! I cannot wait to have a house someday and decorate crazy and have annual halloween parties! Even though Kenley is still teeny, we had so much fun dressing her up and trick or treating this year. 

Of course she had to be festive all day long, so she started out with a super cute "My First Halloween" outfit. 

Our little Minnie Mouse not only loves crackers but went trick or treating at 3 whole houses - Jason's grandparents, my dad's and Jason's dads. 
  We had so much fun showing off our little Minnie Mouse! I can't wait for next year when she "gets it" a little more! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You're so right about that! Once your slutty costume bar days are over it's so boring. This year was so much fun even though we stayed in. Aubs got dressed up and handed out candy and fun was had by all. Kenley looked so adorable in both outfits! Love her!

  3. Oh my goodness!! The cuteness is too much!!

  4. SO ADORABLE!!! Her Minnie costume is just too cute!!! :)

  5. What a cutie pie!!

    Totally lol'ing at the pic of her leaning in for a kiss(?) to Bailey! Hahaha!!

  6. She's the cutest little Minnie Mouse!

  7. What a cute Minnie Mouse you have!!

    Madelyn had the same "My First Halloween" outfit that she worn during the day! I figured she would be playing with the little tutu like part of her pants all day long but go figure she didn’t play with it at all!

  8. Adorable!! Happy First Halloween!!

  9. Cutest Minnie Mouse I've ever seen!

  10. So cute!! Seriously, such a good reason to have kids - you can do the whole trick or treating thing again. ;)

  11. Such a dolly mou. Cannot take it!
    xo m

  12. Adorable! We almost dressed Kennedy up as Minnie Mouse but decided on Snow White. You are so right about how liking Halloween changes with the seasons of true!!!

  13. oh my ovaries!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant even. that minnie mouse, i die!

  14. Such a cute little mini mouse!!

  15. Oh my gosh! Such a little cutie! Glad she had a good time! And glad you got to enjoy it as well!

  16. SOOOOOOOO CUTE! :) I was dying over the costume! I love my little Kenley mouse1 :)


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