Saturday, February 6, 2010

Big Day

Friday was a huge day for both me and Jason.

After almost four years, Jason put in his two week notice at Miller Davis. I know it was hard for him, but luckily his boss took the news really well and was supportive. In just two short weeks Jason will join me as an official full time employee. As Jason says, "We're all in" Now that he is leaving his job and we're so close to opening, those words have never been more true.

Friday was a big day for me for completely different reasons. I walked in to Coffee Buzz at about 11am for a meeting. I walked in and the first thing I saw was my SCONCES! I actually gasped out loud! I didn't expect the scones to be up until Tuesday, so seeing them was a huge surprise. And I must say, they were worth the wait. They look amazing! They are everything I hoped they would be and more. I wish I could take them and hang them in my house! Here's a couple of pictures of them!!!

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