Monday, February 8, 2010

Interviews: Day 1

After nearly 200 applicants, Jason and I narrowed down the resumes to 25! So this week I will be conducting 25 interviews, of which today was my first day.

I had to text a couple of my close friends last night because as I was prepping for these interviews I felt like I was getting ready for sorority recruitment. It is very exciting and very nerve racking, picking the right person (or the wrong person) will shape the furture of your sorority, I mean business. I have to give a mini shout out to Alpha Omicron Pi (especially Jessi Atkinson) for making me a good recruiter and hopefully a good interviewer.

Overall, the interivews went well. 1 great one, 3 decent ones and 1 terrible one! About the terrible one...I realize this is a casual job and a casual atmosphere but you still need to dress to impress. NEVER EVER show up for an interview of any kind wearing a zip up sweatshirt, jeans and tennis shoes. One other girl did show up in jeans, but they were tucked into very cute boots and paired with a cute sweater and a really, really cute scarf that I wanted to steal--this is totally appropriate.

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh; LOVED your text yesterday. It's so true. I'm glad some made a good first impression though! Ditch the train-wrecks; I'm sure you're instinct is good :o) Can't wait to see the place open up!


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