Monday, May 10, 2010

Another Busy Bee Weekend

Wow! Sorry for the lack of posts the past couple of days. It was another crazy, fun weekend here in Busy Bee land! It went way too fast but boy was it fun! Here’s a weekend review!
Friday night, J and I, celebrated our friend Per’s 30th Birthday. Per is my best friend Libby’s boyfriend and she planned a lovely birthday surprise for him. Now, if you knew Libby you would know what a HUGE deal this surprise was! Libby is not-so-much a “planner,” in fact in the past it was hard just to get her to show up to events. It’s a true testament to how much she loves Per because she put in a lot of hard work to put this event together and did a wonderful job! We met at Per’s house for a glass of champagne and some snacks then got picked up by a limo and had dinner at Café Lucrat. The night was super fun, Per was super surprised and I am super proud of the great job Libby did!
Angie, Steve, Per, Libby, Me and J in front of our limo!

Saturday morning was my time to fit some work into this jam packed weekend, but it sure didn’t feel like work! I had so many visitors at Coffee Buzz on Saturday and it made the day so fun and go by so fast! My mom came in, which is always nice, and she was soon followed by my friend Megan who just bought a townhouse down the street from Coffee Buzz. Shortly after that my friend Abby came in and after her my best friend's parents! What a great day! Just when I thought I couldn't have any more visitors my dear friend, Courtney, came in with her husband, mother-in-law and her 9 month old son, Brogan! Courtney and Josh live about 45 minutes from me, so I don't get to see them nearly as much as I would like to. It was so sweet of them to stop by and so great to spend some time with Brogan!
Me and Brogan!
Brogan promoting his favorite coffee shop!

As Courtney and Josh were getting ready to leave I got my final surprise guest of the day! Sharisse and Brody! Sharisse is J’s best friend’s wife and has become a good friend of mine as well. Brody was born in December and is such a cutie! I could not even believe my two favorite babies were at Coffee Buzz at the same time! I think J was worried my head might explode.
Brogan and Brody!!! My favorite babies!

Little Brody Bear chillin' at the Buzz

Saturday night, I hosted (along with the other Bridesmaids) my friend Brianna’s Bachelorette Party! All the girls came over to my place and we ate some amazing food, had our fair share of adult beverages and played some games. Then we headed out and spent the rest of the night at 508 downtown MPLS. We had such a blast and the party was a huge success! Brianna looked absolutely adorable and the night was full of tons of laughs, tons of drinks and tons of dancing….that’s my kind of party!

Brianna, the gorgeous Bachelorette!

The Bachelorette and her entourage!

Me and B

Sunday, I spent the better half of the day in bed celebrating my Mother’s Day with my little baby…

My little girl when she was only 4 weeks old!

…we snuggled and watched Father of the Bride Part II, it was marvelous. Then I went out to a late lunch to celebrate my mama. It was so fun! Me and Nate met her and Steve at Redstone and both of Steve’s daughters and his two grandkids joined us too. I think it meant a lot to my mom to have the whole “new” family there and we had a great time. I hope my mom knows how much I love her and how grateful I am for everything she has done for me throughout the past 25 years.

σ 'αγαπώ (I love you)


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