Friday, May 7, 2010

Miss Nicole

J’s younger sister, Nicole, was my best friend growing up and the first best friend I ever had. Our families are so close and we have had so many great times together. We used to dress up and do each other’s hair and makeup and then dance to George Michael! When we got a little older we loved to get our walkmen and walk to the nearby Jerry’s grocery store and just hang out…we can’t figure out why we did this and J likes to give us a hard time about that one. Nicole has always been like a sister to me and now that I’m dating her brother, we definitely have that special bond. 
Cole & I, back in the day when we were super cool!
Cole & I, a couple of summers ago
On March 1st, the day we opened our doors for business, Nicole left for her own life changing adventure. She packed up her life and moved to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Nicole has a friend who lives there and was able to move in with her, but other than that she left not knowing anyone and not knowing what this adventure would bring. Nicole moved with the intention of getting a job working on or with the yachts in the area…a job she didn’t know would pan out or not. Just a few weeks ago Nicole found out that this major move was going to pay off. She got hired to work on the yacht of one of the writer’s for the Wall Street Journal. She will be on the yacht (which is more like a mini cruise ship) from May 11th until early September. She is going to get to sail all over; New York, Martha’s Vineyard, Boston, Nantucket, and Washington DC are just a handful of the places on her itinerary. Nicole will be working as an assistant to the captain and yacht owner, she won’t know the specifics of her day-to-day responsibility until she gets on board, but man is she excited!
Saying good-bye to Nicole was hard for all of us, especially her dad and big brother. Nicole is such a loving and giving part of the family and it’s hard for any of us to imagine not having her around all the time. I can’t say enough how proud I am of her for taking on this huge change and just going for it. I definitely would not have the courage to do it! I hope everything works out wonderfully for her and that she has the time of her life. I just hope she doesn’t love it too too much because I’d like to have her back here in good ‘ol Minnesota!

1 comment:

  1. awww Kris thank you for the shout out!!
    You guys have to come and check out Kate and I's place which is 5 mins from the ocean and just beautiful.
    I am a fulltime Stewardess/ Personal Assistant on a 84ft horizon yacht.
    I do anything from planning his schedule, bills, cleaning, washing the yacht, walking the dogs to picking up his dry cleaning... I AM HIS BITCH.... LOL
    It is going to be one amazing crazy new adventure in my life that im still in shock i did.
    but i love you kris very much and of course you too j but u will always be one of my best friends! LOVE YOU GUYS!!


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