Sunday, May 23, 2010

Blogging Bestie

 During Coffee Buzz's slow times I spend the majority of that time facebook chatting with Carolyn. She decided to start a blog shortly after I started mine, and together we have been learning the ropes of Blog Land and together we have become obsessed!

Carolyn and I met a few years ago when J and I started dating because Carolyn was dating (and is now engaged to) J's best friend, Jake.
 Me and Carolyn with J and Jake @ the Trail of Terror

We got along instantly. We are the same age, we were both in sororitys, we have a lot of the same interests and we're dating best friends. We had a little rough patch in the middle of our friendship and recently during a heart-to-heart realized it was probably because we were kind of forced to be friends. Don't get me wrong, we loved hanging out, but we never really had a choice in the matter. Our boyfriends are four years older than us and so are the rest of their friends and their wives. So, by default, because we're the same age, Carolyn and I stuck together. During this same heart-to-heart we realized that over the last year our friendship has really changed. Now we're friends because we genuinely want to be. I would definitely call Carolyn to hang out with or without our boys. It's so nice to have a friend who completely understands my relationship with J. J and Jake are so similar so Carolyn and I love a lot of the same things about them and a lot of the same things they do drive us nuts! It's great having someone to vent to or get excited with because she completely understands where I'm coming from.It also helps that we have a complete blast together.

I am so glad to have Carolyn as a friend and as my Blogging Bestie! I can't imagine obsessing over my blog by myself! Check out Carolyn's super cute blog here:

And, because Carolyn and I are both completely obsessed with taking an inappropriately insane amount of pictures. Here's some of my favorites of us:

New Years Eve

 Dance Party!

I don't know why we're doing this, but we look sweet

Air Mattress Montage...

We're awesome. Duh!

One of my faves!


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