Saturday, May 22, 2010

Step Into My Office

Even though my business card says "Owner," my daily job is much more than that. I figure I have shown a ton of cute Coffee Buzz pictures, now it's time for you to see the shop from my perspective.

On a day-to-day basis the owner title doesn't really come in to effect, except when I'm talking to customers. A lot of them will see my business card and ask, "Are you Kristin?" After I say yes it opens a whole slew of questions..."What made you start your own business?" "How did you get in to the coffee business?" "Have you ever considered doing ______?" "Would you be interested in donating _______ to _________?" The best part of this job is most definitely meeting people and getting to talk to all different kinds of people but, being 100% upbeat, positive and polite 100% of the time is definitely difficult. Most of my actual "owner" work gets done here:
Yikes! I definitely need to get this bad boy organized. J is in charge of the finances and bookkeeping, which puts me in charge of the scheduling, placing the orders and creating/maintaining our super cute website:

Another major aspect of the job is the cashier role...ringing people up, grabbing/making the drip brew coffee, getting their bakery items/sandwiches. The main purpose of this position is to schmooze! Likely, you're the first person a customer will see when they walk through the door, so you're their first impression. Sometimes you are the first person someone will see in the morning, which gives your the opportunity to set the tone for their day. J usually mans the register because he is much better at small talk than I am, plus I prefer being behind the bar.

The not-so-glamorous aspect of the job is all the cleaning. It's amazing how quickly things get dirty! And don't get me started on coffee grounds...they're EVERYWHERE! No matter what you do those little ground show up all over the place. There's a lot of wiping things down, washing dishes, sweeping, mopping, cleaning bathrooms, etc, etc, etc!

Behind the bar in the barista role is where I spend most of my time and what I most enjoy. I love making the drinks! I get the chance to talk to people quite a bit but usually if they're standing on my side it's because J has already put in the time schmoozing and now we are able to have a real conversation. I absolutely love when there's a line. I totally strive when there's 2+ drinks on my screen! It makes it so fun and means my business is doing well!

So there you have it. The exciting life of a full-time business owner and a part-time everything else.

On another note, these next few days are going to be sooo busy and sooo fun! I thought I'd share my psycho jam packed super fun exciting crazy schedule for the next week!

Today: Working Open-Close, then going to my friend's housewarming BBQ
Sunday: Working Open-12, then going to the Twin's game @ 1:00, then dinner at my dad's
Monday: Working Open-Close, then babysitting, then I have a hair/brow appointment, then I'll most likely packing until the wee hours of the morning since I currently don't have any clean clothes and have no idea when I'm going to find time to do laundry!
Tuesday: Open at Coffee Buzz then head to the airport around 8:00am, then catch our flight to NYC at 10:00am. Land in NYC around 2:30 their time and then the insanity begins!
Wednesday-NYC craziness
Thursday: More NYC craziness
Friday: Leave NYC and arrive back in MPLS around 3pm, then head to my friend Brianna's Wedding Rehearsal and Rehearsal dinner.
Saturday:  Work Open-Close
Sunday: I'll be partaking in all-day bridesmaid activities then BRIANNA and MATT's WEDDING!
Monday: Memorial Day....i'll either be on a boat or in my bed. Depends on the weather!

Cripes! I'm getting tired just looking at it!

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