Saturday, May 29, 2010

I'm Back!!!

I am back from New York and it was amazing. My mom and I had a blast and a half! Bon Jovi was unreal. I will give you a nice long post with all the details and pictures this coming week! Until then I am so super busy! Yesterday, I hopped off the plane from NYC and headed straight to my friend's rehearsal dinner for her wedding. Straight from there I went to Canterbury Park to see J's parent's racehorse race (more on that later this week too!) Then today I am working all day, then making my way to a friend's house for the big UFC fight! (That's right, I love the UFC). Then tomorrow my friend Brianna is getting married!!! When oh when am I going to catch up on all the lovely blogs I haven't read in almost a week, not to mention all of my recorded shows? Eeks!

I hope you all have an amazing and safe Memorial Day weekend and I will be back next week to update all you lovelies on the most crazy, busy, exciting, fun week of all time! Until then, feast your eyes on my gorgeous friend and her adorable fiance and be thinking happy thoughts for them tomorrow on their BIG DAY!


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