Friday, May 28, 2010

New York Memory (3)

The summer after my senior year of college I went to New York with my dad and some of our family friends. The trip was so fun because Allison, whose 20th birthday was during the trip, had never been there. It was fun to do a lot of sightseeing stuff and we did our fair share of partying, taking full advantage of what the city had to offer. The main reason for trip was to see the Twins play the Yankees! It was the last year at the old Yankee Field, so we wanted to make sure to catch a game before all that history and nostalgia was destroyed (such a shame). The Twins lost the game but our seats were RIDICULOUS! We were just two rows above the Twins' dugout! Such a fun time and an amazing memory that I'll never forget!

Beautiful Yankee Stadium (the old one)

Allison and I in our Twins gear! 
Yup, that's Joe Mauer. We were THAT close! 

 Thanks to this sweet sign we made, we were on TV!

I LOVE this picture! That's Mauer up to bat and obviously Cuddyer on deck! 

Also, the day before the game we ran into A-Rod on Fifth Avenue. We told him we were going to the game...he didn't care. Too busy dating everyone in Hollywood to give a rats behind I guess. 

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