Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Start Spreading the News....

In three weeks, my mom and I will be traveling to New York City! We are going to shop for some smokin’ hot wedding shoes for her and a “bridesmaid” dress for me, but the main reason we’re going is to see…

Bon Jovi is playing at the brand new GIANTS (and Jets) stadium, New Meadowlands Stadium!!! My mom is obsessed with JBJ (he’s her equivalent to my Backstreet Boys). She’s never seen him in concert so to say that she’ll be wound up is a major understatement. We also have tickets to see Mary Poppins on Broadway!

I love New York City so much! I am lucky enough to have traveled there quite a bit. I would love to live there someday, but that might be a hard sell for the mister, so for now I just have to visit as often as humanly possible. I’ve gotten to do all the touristy things; Empire State Building, Circle Line Tour to see the Statue of Liberty, Broadways shows, Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and much more. It will be fun this time to just go and shop. We have super fun stuff planned but we’ve both seen the “must-see” stuff, so I’m excited to go and just enjoy my favorite city in the world!

I went through some pictures last night and found some of my favorites from my various NYC trips, so I thought I’d take you on a trip down New York memory lane!

 This is me, my dad, my brother and my sister on the top of the Empire State Building. This was my sophomore year of high school and my very first trip to NYC!
This one is me, my dad and my brother in a suite at Madison Square Garden watching a Knicks vs. Spurs pre-season game!
My freshman year of college I went to visit my friend, Megan, at school in Baltimore then we took a bus to NYC for the weekend. It was without a doubt the most hilarious weekend of my life, in fact I may need to do a post just on that weekend. But here is one of the many pictures from that trip.

This is me, my mom and my brother in front of the Brooklyn Bridge! 

 My mom and I at Serendipity drinking Frrrozen Hot Chocolates (so yummy!)

Me and my friend Allison at Carnegie Deli with a massive turkey sandwich! We could hardly finish it, I have no idea how one person ever could!

 I ran into A Rod on 5th Avenue!

Allison and I at the old Yankee Stadium watching the Twins take on the Yankees!

Me enjoying my favorite city in a friend's amazing apartment overlooking Central Park! 

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