Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Dance Day!

Today is the first ever National Dance Day! National Dance Day, is a movement taking place for the first time today that encourages people all over the country to get up and move. Dance Day is even being recognized with an official act of Congress. Created by Nigel Lythgoe, executive producer and co-creator of SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE and founder of the Dizzy Feet Foundation, the aim of National Dance Day is to promote health and self-esteem through the art form of dance. And, just this past week dance was declared as an official sport and will added to the list of competitive sports in the Olympics!!!!

I LOVE to dance. I've been dancing since I was 5 and danced competitively in middle school and on my high school team. Now my moves can be seen on the dance floors of Minneapolis bars or in my bathroom while I'm getting ready. It's strange, but dance parties just seem to follow me wherever I go....I don't know how it happens. There are only a handful of things in this world that make me happier than busting a serious move. Here's proof.

 And, I'm not the only one in my house who likes to get down....

In honor of this glorious new holiday, I thought I'd post some of my all time favorite dance performances and videos. I pretty much wish I could post all of Britney's concerts, shows, performances and videos....but I'll do my best to pick my favorites and add some variety.

This is one of my all time favorite performances! I remember watching this live and freaking out at the dancing! It's Britney & N'SYNC from the 1999 VMAs.

This music video is a CLASSIC and was a obsession of mine for the better part of a year (I have the 'Making Of' movie for this....pretty amazing!) Backstreet Boy's Everybody!!!

This video is the mack daddy of all music videos! None other than Michael Jackson's Thriller.

Finally, this is my all time favorite TV performance! My head almost exploded when I watched it for the first time. It doesn't hurt that this is my favorite song of all time!

That's it for me today! HAPPY DANCE DAY everyone!!!


  1. I LOVE everything about this post. I danced some in high school and wish I did a lot more. I still can be found busting out dancing in my department at school (which as a PhD student gets some awesome looks) or dancing around the house to some Motown Philly, etc. Thanks for posting this... it is absolutely fabulous!!!

  2. Awesome post! Loved all the pictures and videos!


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