Friday, July 30, 2010



Welcome everyone to my first ever Fashion Friday!!! The point of F.F. is to recap, discuss and critique the newest season of Project Runway and fashion in general! Here are the rules:

-If you watch Project Runway, make sure to tell us your FAVORITE and LEAST FAVORITE design from last night's show! Feel free to hype up your fave designer or knock down the ones you despise.
-If you DON'T watch Project Runway, then post about anything fashion related....favorite celeb styles, the bangin' new shoes you bought, the ugliest pants you've ever seen....ANYTHING!
-Grab the button! You gotta! Just copy and paste the link from the right side of my page in to your post!
-Finally, make sure to link up (bottom of the post) so everyone can see what you're posting!

Sweet? Awesome? Ok....on to business!

Last night we got to meet the new Season 8 designers in a very awkward and seemingly staged set up all over New York. It's too early to tell, but there are already a lot of designers I like....personality wise that is. We'll see how irritating they get as the weeks go on, and of course, see how they design. All the contestants met Tim and Heidi outside the beautiful Lincoln Center (how cool that it's the new home for NY's Fashion Week). The designers were told that although there were 17 of them, only 16 (or less) would actually be making the show! So, each designer had to dig through their suitcase, find a favorite item of theirs and then proceed to pass it to the designer to the right! Each designer had a piece of another designer's clothing that they had to incorporate in their new design and they only had 5 HOURS to do it!

 AJ's design. I love this dress, minus the big silver bow (that definitely can go)! It's a little 80's, Sixteen Candle-esque but I really like it. It's fun, flirty, different, stylish. I enjoy it!

Peach's design. This is a little older style, but Peach is a little older and her aesthetic is a little older. I thought this dress was well made, thoughtful and super cute for summer. I wasn't a huge fan of the tulle in the back, but I know she had to do it to make that awful scarf she was given work. I'm interested to see what else she does this season. Right now, I think she's pretty darn funny too. We'll see if she get's irritating.

 Casanova's design. YIKES. This was just straight up bad. Tasteless, poor design, ugly, trashy, yuck. yuck. yuck. Please tell me how he didn't go home??? So ridiculous. Selma Blair (the guest judge) kept saying it was" fascinating!" No it wasn't! It was gross!

Jason's design. Ok. This looks like a bed sheet and not in a "I"m cute and going to a toga party" kind of way. There's no shape and really no design. I like Jason, as a person so far, so I'm glad they kept him....but this was bad. Sloppy and bad.

The Winner!
Gretchen wins the first challenge! I did like this dress. It was beautifully done and she did a great job incorporating her given fabric. I will say I was a little underwhelmed. I get why it won, and like I said, it's cute but I wasn't wowed. But, to be fair, I wasn't wowed by any of them.

Peace Out, Thanks for Playing

McKell's design. Maybe I have terrible taste, but I liked this dress. I love the skirt, and if the top had a little more to it and maybe was a little bit more interesting, I think it would have been great. I agree that the styling was AWFUL! The hair, shoes and purse do not go with each other or the outfit. I am so angry that the judges sent McKell home. Jason and Casanova's designs were SOOOO much worse! What a rip off. And I HATE how stupid Heidi kept saying "One or more of you will be out." Yeah right, we all know you're starting the show with 16 designers. You're not fooling anyone you crazy German!

Speaking of Heidi. What did you think of her new hair? A much darker blonde and a shorter cut! I don't like the color, I think she looks much better as a blonde blonde. I do like the cut though! However, last night it looked like she just walked out of a romp with was a mess!

If you can't get enough P.R. then head over to the website and check out the blogs from past contestants. Carol Hannah Whitfield (Season 6), Laura Bennett (Season 3) and my all time fave contestant Nick Verreos (Season 2) are back and blogging about the current season! Check out Nick's blog HERE, it's hilarious! Only problem....he hated my favorite two dresses, sad day!

OK, ladies! It's your turn! Let's hear it! Grab the button! Link up! Let's talk fashion!!!


  1. I have to say that I agree with you on McKell's dress. It wasn't so terrible that they should have sent her home. Could use a little work, but hell it was the first challenge. Perhaps when Selma Blair said that Casanova's design was fascinating, she meant in a "can't look away from a train wreck" type of fascinating. That dress left NOTHING to the imagination.

    And on an un-PR note. is doing 30% off select Fall pumps and boots today only with free two day shipping.

  2. I am not watching this season, but I love Project Runway, and Peach's design is adorable!!

    Definitely agree with you about Heidi's hair - shes so cute as a blonde!

  3. I like Peach's Dress the best!

  4. I've always watched on and off for the show, but I don't think I'll be watching this season- too much going on. I'll look forward to your recaps though so I'm in the loop!

  5. Heidi has such incredibly amazing hair. She always looks gorgeous! Why have I never seen this show before? :/

  6. Casanova's designs are wrong, ugly and plain out creepy! i wanted him to go home the first day!!!!!!!!


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