Thursday, July 29, 2010

Recaps, Reviews, Predictions and Ideas

So much to discuss today! Let's start with my book REVIEW of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson.
Like everyone else I've talked to, I loved it! It took me about 50 pages before I really got in to it. The first 50 are pretty slow moving, but trust me it's definitely worth getting through. This book was dark, suspensful, thought provoking and well written. It was so well written, in fact, that I was super creeped out and had a hard time falling asleep while reading it. It definitely is dark and contains some pretty graphic and horrific scenes, so readers beware. I know they are in the works of making a movie based on the book and I really, REALLY hope they do it justice. It's such an interesting story with a lot of details that need to be included to make the story successful! According to IMDb, the film version has a predicted release date of December 2011 and shows Daniel Craig playing the role of Mikael Blomkvist (for those of you who have read it). I'm not going to give a summary or synopsis in case any of you are still waiting to read it, but I highly recommend it. Do it now, before the movie comes out! You'll be glad you did. And, I'm super excited because one of my friends has recently finished the two sequels to the book and is letting me borrow them!

Next up on my reading list, Heart of the Matter by Emily Giffin.

Since it is Thursday, you all know you've got a So You Think You Can Dance RECAP and PREDICTION coming your way! Last night, the final 6 dancers each danced one routine with an All-Star, one routine with a fellow contestant and a solo in their own style! It was another great night filled with amazing talent. Since there were a billion performances, I narrowed it down to my top 3! 

Robert & All-Star Kathryn in a Stacey Tookey Contemporary
This routine brought tears to my eyes. The concept was a soldier leaving their loved one for war. The choreography was excellent and Robert and Kathryn were breathtaking. The concept really resonated with me and the whole thing was just beautiful. 

Billy and All-Star Ade in a Stacey Tookey Contemporary
It was a great night for Stacey Tookey! She choreographed two amazing routines! I loved this one. It was about a high class man and a low class man and at the climax of the routine they realize they know each other. Both dancers danced in completely different contemporary styles and the contrast was amazing. The music was perfect, choreography was perfect, concept was perfects, characters were perfect and the dancing was perfect. One of my favorite of the season. 

Billy & Robert in a Nakul Dev Mahajan Bollywood
 This was my favorite routine of the night! I LOVE Bollywood and it was so fun to see these two amazing dancers do it! I want to find a Bollywood dance class to take! I know it would be ridiculously hard, but the routines always look so fun and what a great workout! Both boys did a wonderful job!!!
Now, for the hard part. Tonight two dancers are going home and the FINAL FOUR will be revealed.

I think Jose is going home for sure. He is without a doubt the worst of the remaining dancers. He's as sweet as can be and I love him, but he isn't formally trained. He is a phenomenal B-Boy, but is having a rough time with the other styles.

I think Kent and Lauren are shoe-ins (and will be the final two) but who will be joining them?
I think Billy, Robert and AdeChike are all deserving of being in the Final Four! I will say the Robert has surpassed Kent as my favorite! I absolutely love him and he gets better and better each week. Plus, he's easy on the eyes. I wasn't the biggest fan of Billy and up until last night would have picked AdeChike, but Billy Bell was outstanding last night. I thought his solo was the best of the group and I think he landed himself a spot in the top. I guess we'll just have to see what all the crazy teenage girls voting came up with!

And, finally, for my big IDEA. I know from reading all your wonderful blogs that a lot of you are quite the little fashionistas. Because of your fabulous fashion sense, I'm guessing quite a few of you watch
Season 8 starts tonight on Lifetime and I cannot wait! There's 17 new designers and the show is now 90 minutes long! 

So, my big idea is to start one of those fun little Linky games! I figure this way we can all give our two cents on the season as it progresses and follow along with what we're all saying. This doesn't have to be a big dedication post, just throw it in with whatever else you're posting about every Friday. Just pick your favorite and least favorite designs from the night before. Then, feel free to share your favorite designers or rant about your not-so-favorites! And, if you're feeling really inspired share some of your favorite fashions, style icons,outfits, tips....anything you want! And of course don't forget to grab this super sweet button I made

See you all tomorrow for the first ever FASHION FRIDAY!!!!


  1. I LOVED The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo, but you are so right about the first 50 pages. I was worried at the beginning, but once I made it past them I was hooked and could not put it down. I have about 200 pages left in The Girl who Played with Fire and I am enjoying it just as much.

  2. oh this is next on my reading list. I just finished reading Little Bee and it was good. I can't wait to get started with this one.

  3. so funny you say it takes about 50 pages to get into the book.. because thats definitely what i've told everyone too... I loveeeee the Stieg larsson series.. I finished all 3 books about a month ago.. have u started the others yet? They were so appropriate considering I just moved to Sweden too! haha :)

  4. I definitely couldn't get through the first 50 pages so I gave up! I hate books that I have to go back and reread pages b/c I get confused - or I take a day off from reading it.

    As for SYTYCD, I am sure you watched the results show last night... what'd you think?? I LOVED Robert's dance and Billy's hobo dance on Wednesday. They were beautiful! I can't believe poor Lauren got dehydrated and was hospitilized!


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