Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Baby Aiden

First, I want to thank all of you for your super sweet birthday comments. It's been a great couple of days and I am pretty confident that J had a wonderful birthday! I want to share all of the exciting details of the b-day festivities, but to be honest I feel like poop. I am beyond exhausted, my allergies are AWFUL (seriously who gets allergies in August???) and I am so sore from working out with my trainer that I feel physically sick. Ok, Ok, I'll stop whining! Moral of the story, I'm in no mood to write a super long post with a million pictures. Instead, I want to share some super exciting news and congratulate some friends of ours!

On Monday afternoon our friends Andrew and Candice welcomed a beautiful baby boy in to the world! Yesterday, J and I made a quick trip to the hospital to meet the little guy.

Everybody, say hello to Aiden Parker! 

 Looks good, right? HAHA, not yet! Not for a while!!!

Me and J with the proud new parents and Aiden! I really should have let Candice hold her own baby in this pic but I couldn't help it!


I hope you all have a great Wednesday! I'm going to take some Claritin, some Advil, eat some soup and take a nap (well, once I'm done with work) and hopefully I'll be in a better mood tomorrow!


  1. Aw what a cutie! Congrats to the new parents

  2. SO CUTE! You'll make great parents!

    Aiden is such a great name! Great parents name their kids Aiden..or Aidyn.. whateve :)

  3. Awww, what a beautiful baby! Congrats to your friends and I hope you feel better soon.


  4. I thought it was just me with these allergies! I'm going nuts. You would think it was the middle of winter with my sneezing and sniffling. You're in good company. Let me know if you need some sudafed!

  5. that baby is so precious and adorable! :D

    p.s. i am a new follower. i hope you can come visit and maybe follow my blog too. thanks! :)

    <3, Mimi


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