Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Big 3-0!

Thirty years ago today my best friend and love of my life was born. 

In celebration of  J's birthday I thought I would share all the things I love most about him.

He's smart

He's a hard worker and cares a lot about our business

He loves his family

He loves my family 

He loves ME!

He's really cute

He's good at sports

He knows how to have a good time

I know he would never do anything to hurt me

He's an extremely loyal friend

He appreciates and embraces my love for Gopher football

He gives me pedicures 
(well, that happened once but it's one more time than I ever thought it would)

He's not afraid of a little P.D.A

He carries my stuff, even my purse

He loves and is amazing with kids

He is the best puppy daddy I have ever seen!
I am so lucky and feel so blessed to have J in my life. He makes me laugh, keeps me on my toes and knows exactly how to lift me up when I'm down. He puts up with my crap but doesn't let me get away with baloney. He's strong, smart and sensitive. He's my rock. I've known J my whole life and I can only hope I'm lucky enough to be with him for the rest of it. 

I love you so much JJ.  


  1. Awwww. Happy Birthday!! I can't wait till this blog makes its big transformation into another type of blog if ya know what i mean. ;-) ;-)

  2. This is just presh BB. You almost make Fawv seem like a catch... HAHAHAHAHHA JK. I mean how can I not like him? Without him, I wouldn't have met my BB! :)

  3. Happy birthday to your man! What a darling post, I love all the pictures! Hope you two have a great time celebrating!

  4. Awww, what a great post! You guys look so super cute together!!

  5. Aww this was a gooorgeous post! Loved it!! We're so lucky to have great guys!

  6. his was actually the cutest post! I love that he gave you a pedicure and carried your purse!
    Happy Birthday J!!


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