Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Blogger Block

Hi blog friends. Do you ever just straight up NOT feel like blogging? I do. Right now. I don't know if it's because I'm exhausted from all of last week's events, or if I'm feeling uninspired or just plain lazy but I can't get myself to write. It's not for a lack of topics either because I have tons of pictures from J's party on Saturday and I finished The Girl Who Played with Fire yesterday and am excited to share both with you.

Some days I could write ten posts but for some reason the last couple of days I just haven't been motivated to organize my thoughts (or pictures) enough to put together a post that I am proud of. I'm hoping this luxurious day off and a good night's sleep will bring an end to this blogger block.
Wish me luck.


  1. Yessss! I totally know what you mean! Then, whenever I force myself to write something, I always regret it afterwards bc it's not that great of a post.

  2. We'll still be here when you get back! Take your time! The best blog posts come from living life!

  3. for sure, i am approx 2 weeks behind....

  4. We all have days don't feel bad! :) It just feels crappy when you take a day off and everyone else is like the little energizer bunny that keeps going and going and going.......


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