Friday, August 20, 2010

Fashion Friday

So, I have to be honest. J and I went to my dad's for dinner last night and didn't get home until around 9:30pm. Now, I instantly hopped in to bed, flipped on my DVR and started watching Project Runway....but I fell asleep! I made it halfway through the runway show and then I was gone. Apparently I was tired. So, I didn't see the end and I don't know who won and who got voted off. But, since I did see most of the designs I am still going to pick my favorites and least favorites. If you watched last night, don't tell me what happened!

Last night's challenge was to create a look that complimented the Phillip Treacy hat that the designer's corresponding model was wearing. 

I love AJ's look! It's very Kentucky Derby! I thought he did a great job making something cute and fun but still understated enough for the awesome hat. Plus, I love the polka dots!

This is Christopher's design and I thought it was amazing! I absolutely love the print he chose. It's super trendy and wearable and looks great with that hat! I don't know how I feel about those boots with it....but that's my only beef! Christopher is definitely one of my favorites (Valerie is my other fave).

Better Luck Next Time:
Seriously April? It's granny panties with booty shorts peeking out of the bottom. I know she was going for a futuristic beach look, but it's 2010 and no one would wear that.

I hated Mondo's look! I actually didn't see this one come down the runway as I was asleep but when I saw this picture......yuck! I'm not a fan of all the different prints. Gross, bad, no thank you.

I had to throw Kristin in to the mix as well....I just don't like her! Seriously, I could make this dress. It's so sloppy, unthoughtful and I don't think it went with the hat AT ALL! She needs to go...her stuff just does not even compare to everyone else. At least Mondo and April DESIGNED something instead of just letting their model roll through a fabric dumpster.

Now, I need your help! I need some fashion advice. J's 30th birthday party is tomorrow and I got a super cute new romper-type dress and I'm having a serious shoe and bra dilemma. I've spent all morning looking for a picture to accurately describe the dress and shoes that I have, but to no avail. Plus, my laptop likes to do this thing where it clicks things and erases text on it's own. So this super lame blog post that should have taken 10 minutes to write has now taken 45. Not cool. Anyways.....I'll do the best to describe what I'm wearing or attempting to wear tomorrow, and if you can get a good enough visual to help me out...leave a comment. If not, leave a comment letting me know that I have no future as a picture-less fashion magazine writer (which, if was a career I probably would have considered pursuing). ANYWAYS. I bought a sort of romper dress, which out of all the romper dress pictures I saw, looks the most like this one (shape wise):
My dress is a cute black and white sort of zigzag print and has a zipper going all the way down the front. The straps are thin, like in the picture and cross in the back. Which brings me to my bra dilemma. I hate bra straps showing almost as much as I hate strapless bras. So what do I do? If I wear a normal bra, it looks totally fine from the front but then the straps show in the back. It's got gray straps so it blends nicely with the pattern of the dress. But, is that really tacky? I can wear my strapless but then I'm going to be messing with it the whole night because it drives me CrAzY! I'm always pulling it up and adjusting it which is for sure tacky. So what do I do? My strapless bra has clear straps I can attach to it but since I'm not a stripper I think I'll skip that. Thoughts???

As for shoes. I am one hundred percent bringing black flip flops to change in to so that I can efficiently tear up the dance floor without my feet wanting to murder me. But, I would like to look presentable for at least the first half of the party. So here's what I've got. I have a pair of black leather wedge flip flops, that would be a more casual look. I couldn't find a picture because you wouldn't believe the nonsense that comes up when you google "black leather wedge flip flop." But they're pretty standard. Problems---they're boring and I feel like a mom in them. No offense to all you moms because most of you dress way cuter than I ever will....but I mean "a mom" in the negative non-stylish way. My other option are shoes kind of like these:
The ones I have are a heel not a wedge and the laces are also black suede so they're not so cheap looking. Basically, they're black suede Steve Madden ankle boots that have an open toe and lace up the front. They're super cute...but I'm not sure how they'll look with the romper. The dress is a super light, airy, satin like fabric and I'm afraid these might be too "heavy" for the dress.

So, with little-to-no information and horrible visuals to go by....what do you think? What the heck should I wear?

Also, if you're using your blog to talk Project Runway or anything related to fashion...grab my button and play along with Fashion Friday!

Ok....why does my signature all of a sudden have a white box behind it? Why does technology think it can just do whatever it wants? UGH! I om OVER computers today!


  1. loving this post! Just came across your blog and you now have a new follower!

    xo happy friday

  2. The first outfit is SO cute. Very "derby" esque.. you are right! SOOO cute!

  3. girl, are you greek? i was reading your blog and read your 30 before 30 and you got me thinking!!

    i have those recipes ;)

    love your blog and hope you stop by name!! thanks for letting me follow <3

    love me,
    the globetrotting gamine


  4. 1. I totally hate when my computer or blogger is being difficult.

    2. I'd go with your #1 pick for the clothes, that polka dot dress is perfect for the derby and goes well with the hat. You don't even notice (well not right away) that the hate is kind of space-agey.

    3. DO NOT WEAR YOUR REGULAR BRA STRAPS!! In my book that is definitely tacky. Since you have long hair, what if you did a halter strap with the clear straps? I've done that before and it's not really noticeable. Sometimes I'll powder the straps too so they're not as shiny, but be careful not to put too much powder on. Also, I have a really great bra from Victoria Secret that's strapless, but has clear plastic "sticky" lining and I NEVER have to mess with is or worry about it sliding down. It was the BEST purchase ever! It's kind of pricey (VS usual $50-$60), but definitely worth it.

    4. For shoes, I think the wedge flip flops would work. The booties would be cute, but if they are too heavy just wear the wedges and throw on your flats after some good pics.

    5. Have a great time! I know you'll look fab whatever you decide to wear!

  5. I love watching project runway. It's such an awesome show and so creative! Those hats are amazing.

  6. Found your blog and I love it! Super cute!

  7. i don't really watch project runway, but i love the looks. my fave would be the 1st and 5th look:D

    i am now your newest follower. Come and check out my blog. and follow me too? thank you!


  8. it is magnificently here !!. ;DD
    very me oneself it pleases here, you know to write very beautifully ;]]

    I invite on my blog,
    I greet, Poppy < 33

  9. Well I am two episodes behind, so I quickly scrolled down to the bottom and I will have to come back here when I am all caught up!

  10. Christopher and AJ...ohmigosh I am in love! Such amazing creations!! :)

  11. What a great Project Runway review! I was kind of surprised that Heidi, during judging, wore such a demur hat even though her choices must have been outrageous. Love your fashion sense. Come stop by for some retro San Francisco style sweetie!

  12. Hi!

    We'd love if you'd follow our brand *new* blog! Come laugh, cry, and grow with us at:

  13. I’m with ya on the granny panties. Any other color but white and they may have worked!

    Good fall faves....I'm not a football fan but I completely forgot about sweatshirts! I do love a good comfy sweat shirt!

    Kendra aka “Domestic Princess in Training”


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